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tenko sat at the middle of the meadow of flowers.

dabi began to run trying to get a grip, was this truly a dream?.

reaching out, trying to redeem his mistakes of the past - no present.

"Tenko!" The flowers spreading around himself he was tearing them up.

spreading around in the air, the silhouette of Tenko disappeared in the mits of the chaos.

dabi stopped running, catching his breathe, he wanted to cry but the skin under his eyes were to dry.

he just stood there.

before feeling a pair of limp arms wrap around his body.

he looked over his shoulder to see tenko, as the petals fell from the sky.

"I'm sorry dabi..." tenko mumbled , squeezing dabi closer to his body.

dabi felt so breathless, he couldn't say anything he didn't know what to say.

"I love you.." tenko mumbled before letting go of his grip on dabi.


dabi woke up with jolt, he was in the same position when he fell asleep, he wrapped his arms around his body, trying to recreate that warmth.

that feeling.

"I love you.."

that rung through his mind, that was only a dream nothing other than that.

he gulped down that pain he felt.

he gripped his dyed hair, he wanted to cry so bad, sniffling hard.

he squinted his eyes, becoming blurry.

he had realized something from that small dream.

he was in love with tenko shimura.


dabi entered the homeroom expecting to see Toga and the rest talking, which was correct.

toga was sitting on her desk chatting away with Twice and Magne.

"Dabi you made it!" dabi waved, walking over, he felt an odd presence with that dream.

"you ok dabs?" Twice asked, "yeah I'm fine"

"Ok then" Twice quickly went back to talking to Toga before dabi's aura gave off bad vibes.

"dabi what's wrong your acting like - not - dabi" toga looked over at dabi.

"why - why did tenko have to leave this group..?"

toga looked at Magne and Twice, "Dabi listen the school facility want us to distant ourselves from him since...he's been acting odd.." Magne mumbled the last part.

"what do you mean 'odd'?, he's a nice boy, he's my friend - no - OUR friend!, It's because of his quirk isn't it!"

"Dabi come down-" , "No we hurt him - I hurt him"

dabi felt that overwhelming pain rush over him.

"Dabi calm down it's for own safety"

"I don't care about that - he would never hurt anyone!"

"What's all this commotion?!" They all turned around to see there teacher standing in front of the classroom.

"Sorry Mr.Kurogiri - calm on guys" Magne departed and so did Toga and Twice.

Tenko never showed up for class - or the next class - not even lunch - dabi tried texting him.

no reply, the rest of the day dragged on and on, before he knew it, it had been two days, three.

four, a week and now he missed tenko even more.

his bright face, his soft blue hair.

his red eyes and cheery attitude towards his scars.

he missed everything about him.


today was a quirk practice, the class gathered together under the watch of pro heros Kurogiri, Stain, and All For One who would be joining soon.

dabi sighed, 'he even missed getting to meet his favorite pro hero'.

"You ok Dabi" spinner asked placing his hand gently on Dabi's shoulder.

"It's nothing really I just-.."

Dabi mumbled, the whole class gathered towards a huge building - the USJ.

A place filled with different obstacles for a hero in training.

Stepping inside the building was huge and pro hero Stain began to explain what we would be doing.

That's when below the entrance into the battle field an explosion went off.

"What the-?" The pros turned around and saw the rubble come down.

"Isn't this apart of the course" dabi heard others mumble out. He was frozen as what looked to be villains stepping inside.

"Sorry for intruding into your safe heaven - we came here to kill the number one hero All For One" The leader of the gang of villains spoke out.

"Stan guard protect the children" Kurogiri mumbled out, Stain nodded in reply.

"and before you decide to harm us in any way we have someone you'd love to meet".

stepping out from the heard of villains, a frail, bluenette covered in different clay hands stood out.

"we have a student of yours"

"I knew he was a traitor" the students began to mumbled out, dabi looked in disbelief 'was it all true?'

'was he really..'

'the traitor..?'


sorry for the short chapters next one is probably gonna be extra long so yeet-

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