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Amelia Slytherin

"i'm going to miss you so much!!" my mother said while wrapping me into a bone crushing hug. "I'll miss both of you!" I said as I let go of my mother and hugged my father. Are you sure you have everything Amelia? owl? wand?" mother asked. "Yes mother, I do" I said with my lips turning upwards. "I'm so proud of you" mother said to me with a sorrowful face, while my father proceeded to speak.

"I'm glad we at least already know what house you're getting into" my father said with an excited tone. "Slytherin hopefully, my last name is Slytherin after all" I said with a smile as I gave my last goodbye to my parents.

Yes, you heard me right. My last name is Slytherin. I'm a descendant from one of the most ambitious, incredible, and amazing Hogwarts founders. Salazar Slytherin. Due to my last name and ancestry, my family is very well known and powerful in the wizarding world.

Despite what everyone assumes about me due to my ancestors and my bloodline, I'm not very harsh or mean at all. My family taught me since a young age to be respectful and kind to everyone regardless of their origins. Which I am, however, they also taught me to not let myself be disrespected. I was brought up with magic since a young age, which has taught me to be resourceful and a lot of stuff that students my age wouldn't known.

As I finally heard the last train whistle, I finally parted from my parents and walked inside the train looking for an empty compartment. After what seemed for hours of searching, my face lit up as I finally saw a familiar face in a compartment. "Draco!!!" i screamed towards my bestfriend as I hugged him. "hey Amelia!" he said hugging me back.

Draco and I have been friends for some time now. We were brought up and raised together due to the fact my father, Daniel Slytherin, and Lucius Malfoy were good friends. They introduced us to each other when we were young, and history only moved up from there. We became best friends. We've then spend almost every christmas, birthday, and any regular day together. With our families being similar, our parents like to dwell on the idea that we will soon be married one day. I don't really count on it tho.

Draco and I are practically glued by the hip, we do everything together. Every summer we spend it together by doing all sorts of things such as practicing spells and playing Quidditch on our free time. Draco and I love Quidditch ever since we were young, and we have no doubt we'll try out for the Slytherin team as a Seeker and Chaser as soon as we're allowed to.

Draco and I immediately sat down in our compartment and started talking. We were both very nervous, but he reassured me we would be okay. I could do nothing but take his word for it. I was just glad our compartment was just us for now. Just like always. I also presume this has to do something with my father that no one else is in here. He's always going off telling Draco to take care of me, although I can do it myself.

As times passed in our compartment, Draco and I kept blabbering about how excited we were. He said he was most excited for the Quidditch team. While I stated that I was glad I was going to be able to learn new spells. However, as Draco and I were chewing into our gummy ropes, I saw that we would soon be arriving soon. "We should probably put our robes on" I said to Draco as he nodded in agreement.


After a while, the train suddenly came to a stop and I suddenly felt my nerves starting to come back again. Draco must have noticed, because before we got out of the train, he vastly took hold of my hand and gave it a squeeze as he gave me a "We'll be okay" look. I smiled at him, showing I was thankful and we walked out of the train.

As soon as we got out of the train, I became a bit startled at the sight in-front of me. A giant man stood above me, he must have been 7 to 8 feet tall. I took a mental note that he must be some sort of giant. He introduced himself as the Keeper of Keys and Grounds, and that his name was Hagrid.

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