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Amelia Slytherin

It's been a few days since break, and it's been quiet. However, today was the first lesson after break for Dumbledore's army.

I'm not sure what we've be doing, but I sort of have an idea it will be a protective spell with the way Harry's been talking the past few days.

I arrived quietly at the meeting spot, careful not to get caught by the Inquisitor Squad. Once everyone arrived, Harry started explaining the lesson.

Patronus Charm.

That's what we'll be doing today. I've read about this, a difficult charm indeed, one that some can't succeed. Regardless, Harry instructed us on how to do it, and he demonstrated.

We were all in awe at the sight of his Patronus roaming around the room, and how he did it with ease. Truly, he was brilliant.

When it was time to practice, I found myself thinking of Cedric for my happiest memory. Most of my happy memories, he was there for.

I couldn't help but think of the time Cedric and I rode our brooms all night, playing Quidditch late at night at my house. I remember laughing so hard I couldn't breath, and almost falling off my broom.

I smiled at the thought of his smile, the smile I would never see again. I held my necklace in comfort, knowing he was with me, and with my other hand I spoke.

"Expecto Patronum"

For a minute, there seemed to be a light wisp of light coming from my wand, wanting to be released. However, it never came. Within seconds, it turned into nothing.

Harry must have noticed, because he came behind me and looked at me. "Happier" was all he said, before he went somewhere else.

I groaned in frustration. Happier? But my happiest memories revolves around Ced, and well of course.. Draco.

An excited 9 year old Draco said towards a smiley Amelia "How did I do!" as he jumped up and down with the broom by his side, after showing her his Quidditch skills.

- Amelia's memory 3 years prior Hogwarts

"Amazing!" 9 year old Amelia said with a light in her eyes, proud of her bestfriend.

"If I go on like this, by the time we get our letters to Hogwarts i'll tryout for the Quidditch team as Seeker!" Draco said with a smile.

"Of course you will" Said Amelia, happy for her best friend but upset she didn't posses any special skills besides being smart.

"I wish I knew how to ride a broom. I've never even played Quidditch" Amelia said with a frown as she looked down at the floor.

I've always admired Quidditch, but neither of my parents will teach me. They think it's a waste of time and that I need to focus on my studies.

Draco noticed her fallen smile, and seeing the sight of his best friend sad made him sad as-well. He wanted to cheer her up.

"I'll teach you!" Draco said with a smile.

"Really?" Amelia said in excitement.

"Yes! get on!" Draco said as she handed his broom to Amelia.

Amelia made sure to carefully place one leg on each side, careful to stay afloat but she lost her balance. Before she could fall, Draco steadied her broom and held her. "I got you Amelia, just let go" he said with a smile.

Without a second to spare, Amelia flew into the air. And once she finally did, she felt something she never had before. Free. It was as if her worries disappeared, and as time froze. She didn't know it, but any Quidditch player would have been jealous of how much of a natural she was without even trying.

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