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Amelia Slytherin

I woke up with excitement this morning. Ever since the incident of the Boggart, i've been on edge. Almost like I could break at any seconds. But today, I reminded myself it was going to be a good day. For the first time ever, we were allowed to go to Hogsmeade. I've been anticipating this moment since first year, and I couldn't let myself ruin it.

For my outfit, I decided on a short plated skirt, a black crop top with a layered necklace on top, and my black boots. I decided to layer on an oversized leather jacket on top because I gathered it must be quite cold. Although I knew I would regret wearing a skirt later on, I didn't care.

When I was finished, I quickly headed downstairs to the common room, and met my friends. I gave Draco a small hug as he looked me up and down with a smirk. I greeted Blaise, and the three of us managed to leave the common room.

The three of us quickly made it outside to where everyone was gathered, as Mcgonagall greeted us and instructed us on all the rules.

As Draco Blaise and I were about to leave, I stopped in my tracks. Harry was next fo Mcgonagall, nowhere near Weasley or Granger. He was talking to her with a saddening smile, and even from afar I could tell Harry had been disappointed at what Mcgonagall had told him.

He noticed me, and gave me a sad smile, mouthing to me he couldn't go. I gave him a half-hearted smile before I continued on with Blaise and Draco.


I must say, I fell in love with Hogsmeade. This sweet little old town seemed beautiful, especially now in the time of winter. There was all certain stores to look at, but my favorite so far was the one Draco and I were in. Honeydukes. This store was filled with all the sweet you could imagine, it was like sweet heaven for anybody with a sweet tooth.

After a while of failing on deciding on what to get, I ended up getting some chocolate frogs and some other treats. As the cashier was ringing Draco and I put, I was taking out my money to pay when Draco payed before me.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused with a raised brow towards Draco. "Paying of course" Draco said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "But I have money?" I replied to him, confused once again.

"I know, but i'm paying" He said again. I rolled my eyes and gave him a soft kiss on the lips in gratitude, knowing he knew I had enough money to pay, yet he still did it himself. "I'm more than capable of paying myself, but thank you" I said smiling at him.

"I'm starting to think I should pay more often if a kiss is what I get" he said while smirking. I playfully hit him and he started tickling me playfully."Draco stop it!" I said whilst laughing. "One more kiss and i'll stop" he said laughing. "Ok ok!" I say in defeat as I kissed his soft lips once again.

He finally stopped, and we both left Honeydukes as we walked into the freezing winter. As we walked more, we managed to bump into Crabbe and Goyle. I wasn't the biggest fan of them, but Draco insisted on having them join us.

The four of us continue walking, until we were eventually led on the bottom of a hill. I was a bit confused on what we were doing here at first, but I rolled my eyes in realization as I spotted Ron and Hermionie.

"Well well, you two shopping for your new dream home?" Draco said towards the pair. I rolled my eyes in annoyance at his immature actions, I mean, I didn't particularly like them either but it's just better if we left them alone.

"A bit of a grab for you Weasel bee ain't it? Don't your family sleep in one room?" I nudge Draco in the shoulder at his dumb actions, but he wouldn't stan down.

Hermione looked at me and at Draco.

"Shut your mouth Malfoy" Rob fired back.
"Oh not very friendly" Draco said whilst laughing with Crabbe and Goyle by his side.

"Boys, it's time we teach Weasle bee how to respect his superiors" Draco said which made me so annoyed. I don't really care about this right now. I just want to leave.

"I hope you don't mean yourself" Hermione stepped up with a hint of a sarcastic tone in her voice.

"How dare you talk to me like that! You filthy little Mudblood!" Draco said which just ended my patience I had enough. This was irritating me, I was leaving with our without Draco right now.

"Draco would you stop acting so immature this is utterly ridiculous!" I don't und-" I was saying when something threw a snowball at Draco.

"Who is there!" Draco said, panicked looking around. Until another and another snowballs were thrown at him and Goyle and Crabbe. However, none where pointed towards me. How odd. Which only meant one thing. Harry.

Draco was dragged through the snow, his hair becoming soaked in the process. And I couldn't help but laugh, he deserved this. Draco quickly grabbed my hand, and started running with me. But as I looked back, I smiled at the sight of Harry taking off his cloak. We smiled at each other as I was dragged out by Draco.

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