Walked In (TodoDekuBaku)

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Todoroki finds out about Katsuki by accident


"Who's this?" Izuku asked as he points at one of the illustrations in the children's book. 

"Ch-Chunta!" Katsuki chirps in Izuku's lap as he sucks on his pacifier and looks down at the children's book in awe. 

"And what is he?" Izuku asks again as he looks down at Katsuki. 

"B-Biwd?" Katsuki says unsure as he looks up at Izuku. Izuku smiles and kisses Katsuki's cheek. 

"Good job! You're so smart!" Izuku praises as he kisses all over Katsuki's face. Katsuki giggles around his pacifier at the ticklish feeling. 

"Like Dada!" Katsuki says as he turns around in Izuku's lap so he's facing him. 

"Yes, like Dada," Izuku said as he brushed some hair away from Katsuki's face and closing the children's book. 

"What does Suki wanna do now?" Izuku asked. Katsuki giggled and hugged Izuku.  

"Cuddwe?" Katsuki suggests. Izuku chuckled and laid down on the bed with Katsuki on his chest. 

"You like cuddling a lot, don't you?" Izuku said as he rubbed Katsuki's back. Katsuki nodded. 

"Onwy with Dada," Katsuki said as he nuzzled into Izuku's chest. Izuku hummed as planted a kiss on top of Katsuki's head. 

Katsuki gasps and lifted his head off of Izuku's chest.

"What's wrong?" Izuku asked, concerned at Katsuki's sudden action. 

"Fowgots Bubby" Katsuki frowned as he sat up. 

"Where is he?" Izuku asks as he also sat up.

"Woom" Katsuki says as he rubs his eyes. Izuku smiles and guides Katsuki's hands away from his face.

"Dada will go get him, ok? Stay here and I'll be right back" Izuku said as he maneuvered Katsuki off his lap and stood by his bed.

Katsuki nods frantically and smiles up at Izuku.

"Thankies, Dada" Katsuki says politely. Izuku plants a kiss on Katsuki's cheek and heads out to look for Katsuki's toy.

But as he walks out the door, he forgets to lock it.


When Izuku is walking back to his room with Katsuki's toy in hand, he sees Todoroki standing by his door, knocking on it.

"Oh, Todoroki-kun" Izuku calls out but Todoroki didn't hear him and twisted the doorknob and the door opened.

"Wait! Todoroki-kun!" Izuku calls out as he runs to his door.

He catches up to Todoroki, who was standing by the doorway, staring in confusion at Katsuki sucking on a pacifier and covering himself in Izuku's All Might blanket.

Izuku would be cooing over how adorable Katsuki looked if it weren't for the situation right now.

Katsuki stared at Todoroki and then at Izuku. Todoroki was still staring at him so he did the one thing that he could think of, cover himself completely under the blanket.

"Daddy!" Katsuki calls out for his caregiver. Searching for comfort as he felt uncomfortable being stared at for being in this state.

Izuku quickly snaps out of his trance and pushes past Todoroki as he rushes to comfort Katsuki.

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