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"shit" Rosita said as she sprung into action. Stabbing a walker in the head.

A horde was coming

Daryl and her had gone on their first supply run together in years, and had stumbled among a massive hoard.

"Come on" Daryl said un panicked. his gun up ready if he needed to fire

Suddenly more walkers had come from the front. They were surrounded. They had to act fast, Rosita ran up and smashed the back of her gun into a walkers head where there was a smaller group

Daryl joined in stabbing the walkers Until they had a small exit through.

Up ahead Daryl saw a car. In the moment it seemed like the only way of being safe.

"Get in" Daryl grunted while opening one of the front doors and slamming it quicky behind them just before a group of walkers slammed harshly into the car body and windows

Rosita sat sideways on the passengers seat her gun laying next to her. She took a few seconds to catch her breath and process the situation.

Suddenly she sprung into action and began trying to start the car. she had checked and found no key and began trying to connect some wires and make it start that way.

She grew more and more annoyed every second the car didn't start. She sighed a look of anger on her face.

"the cars dead" she said turning to Daryl , trying to look calmer as she told him

"Shit" he said as he sat back slighty on the chair as the walkers surrounding them continued to growl and scratch at the glass.

"What the hell do we do now?" Rosita asked looking around to see any possible solutions

Daryl had a plan. It seemed he always did. Whether Good or bad.

"I'll get out and try to get past em. Make some noise and distract the bastards" he said grabbing his crossbow and looking in the back mirror. "You make a run for it" he reached out his hand and placed it on the door ready to slam it as hard as he could into the walkers outside.

He expected Rosita to agree. He knew there was a possibility he could die. A high one. But she had a kid and Daryl wasn't exactly living for much those days anyway. It's not that he wanted to die. He just saw it as doing what was right.

"Hell no" Rosita said shaking her head. " We got in this together, we get out together." A walker had now made its way onto the bonnet of the car. It's rotting, peeling arms extended in front of Rosita's head. The glass being the only divider. It growled.

Rosita swung her head back on the seat. Not knowing what to do. She was thinking about coco. "Fuck" she mumbled.

"I say we got a little while before they break the glass. Maybe a hour or so. Depends if more of the pricks pile on" daryl said as he opened the glove box in the centre.

There was some cigarettes and a lighter. He opened the packet and grabbed one out. He continued talking with the cigarette hanging out the side of his mouth.

"I'll wind down the window and stab a few to lessen the amount. While we think of a plan"

Rosita nodded.

"Want one" Daryl offered a cigarette to her.

"I don't smoke" she answered bluntly

"Makes sense, smokers ain't never as pretty as you, sita"

Rosita was thrown off by the comment. So was Daryl himself. It practically came out of no where. It wasn't often he would compliment someone on their looks. But he couldn't deny that Rosita was beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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