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Nikky's P.O.V

After quickly arriving home I thanked the driver and ran inside running to my room. I slid down the wall kicking my shoes off and started to cry as I curled myself up. Why am I so stupid? I knew something was wrong. I sigh as I start to fall asleep on the nice and soft rug.

Niall P.O.V

The least I could say was that the room was not tense. My fist where clenched and everyone was starring at Nathan and Max.

"What did you do" Ashton asked ok maybe screamed

"He was the one. You bitch" Max screamed

"Hey baby" Ariana Grande says and kisses Nathan in the mouth making all of us gasp

"You asshole" I say and punch Nathan straight in the nose making him fall on his butt.

5sos came in and each punched him leaving him on the floor and walking out. I walked out as Ariana was also on the floor crying beside him.

"Please take us hom" I tell the limousine guy and he nods. Ashton,Calum,Luke,Mikey and me get in and I see something on the seat. I then the light on and see mascara.

"Driver did someone get in here before us" I ask

"Yes Nikky is it? She came in crying and I drove her home" he answers as he drives.

"I feel so bad for her" Luke says which we all agree too.

"That duchebag will get it" I say and they nod

"Niall do you like her" Calum asks and I blush

"Yes" i say and bite my lip

"Is ok we trust you with her not like that asshole" Ashton says and I smile.

"Thanx guys" I say and get off the limo since we are home.

"Go" Calum says and I run to Nikky's room. I find her on the floor sleeping and her face is sweeled and tear stained. I sigh and pick her up putting her in her bed and taking her blanket placing it on top of her. I kiss her forehead and close her door. I go to my room and change into my PJs and went downstairs.

"Guys do I have your permission to date your daughter in the future" I ask and bit my lip

"Yes Niall we trust you" Mikey said

"Your amazing" Ashton said

"And she deserves a guy like you" Calum said and I smiled

"Thank you" I say

"But let her take time off for a while" Luke said and I agree


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