The philosopher stone

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Chapter 11

Lila use Alohomora to unlock the door while Draco mutters a spell so music comes out of his wand and the enters the room there hearts almost stoped when they seen the 3 headed dog I slowly walked around the dog And open the door they remember to stay calm for the devil snare. They came across a firewall and soon got through with the steps of Professor Snape On the parchment they found the mirror of a erase and got the stone without any trouble.

They went straight to serverus just like Bellatrix told them. It was currently 3:30am when they knocked on the door of serverus head quarters.

What are you doing here at 3:30am in the morning use should both be asleep he said Letting then in the door

"We have to stone"


"Yes the Philosopher's Stone"

"Okay give it here and I'll take it to your father to give Tom are you to go to bed" getting the stone for the kids

"Night" the twins said give there uncle sav a hug and leaving

They said there goodbyes and went to bed the twin were both happy since it was a Friday night so they didn't have classes tomorrow.


A/N so it short and I'm sorry the next chapter will be when there 14 and Tom get them out of Azkaban

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