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"Do you think I look okay?" You asked, flattening out your outfit

"Yeah," Satori sighed, fixing a stray strand of hair with a sigh of relief, "Wakatoshi won't be able to keep his hands off of-"

"Shut up," You mumbled.

"Well good luck," Satori concluded, playfully patting your back, "Who knows? Maybe you'll be dating someone by the end of this."

"He said he'd come pick me up," You frowned, gently slapping your cheeks in attempts to calm yourself down.


I'm here.

Shoving your phone back into your pocket, you bid a short farewell to the red haired male before racing outside. Your eyes landed on a black car, Wakatoshi standing outside. He wore a flattering suit, and you could feel a lump beginning to form in your throat from embarrassment.

He looked good. To say the very least. 

E/c eyes scanned the man before you as a bright smile formed on your face.

"H-Hey," You uttered.

"You look great (Name)," The male replied, moving to open the car door.

"You look great too, Wakatoshi," You shot him a weak smile before he swung the door wide open for you. Climbing inside, his mother was sitting in the front seat in a elegant blue dress.

"Hello there (Name). Thank you for coming with us."

"Hello," You politely smiled in her direction, "And it's my pleasure."

She nodded before her lips once again parted to speak. "Come on, Wakatoshi. We need to leave now."

"I feel under dressed," You muttered to the olive haired male who had entered the car, taking the seat next to you.

"I think it's fine (Name)."

"If you're sure," You mumbled under your breath.


"Alright Wakatoshi, about what we spoke about earlier," His mother stated, adjusting the edges of her dress.

"I won't."

Not wanting to pry into their conversation you didn't speak, instead glaring ahead of you. You were at a venue, decorated in white and gold as you took a step inside, the sight slightly mesmerizing.

"Come on, (Name)," Wakatoshi looked over at you, "Don't get lost."

"I won't," You hummed in response, striding next to him as he politely nodded at people who passed by him. You awkwardly chuckled, "I don't know why I'm nervous. Everyone seems so.... proper."

"It's alright," Wakatoshi grumbled, as your hand subconsciously reached for his, he took your hand in his larger ones as he led you towards the center of the venue, "It'll be okay."

"Ahh, there you are," Wakatoshi's mother greeted with a bright smile. Before her were what you supposed were her previous teammates, who all laughed as they greeted one another, "Wakatoshi, do you remember them?"

He nodded in response.

"You seem so much older," One joked.

"And taller," Another chimed.

"Who are you?" Now all eyes were fixated on you, awaiting your response. Growing more nervous as each moment passed, you slightly squeezed the taller male's hand, and he looked down at you as if to support you.

Clearing your throat, you spoke. "I-I'm (L.Name) (Name). His date."


You were so nervous, you could feel sweat beginning to form on your forehead.

"Awwe you two are just adorable!"

"I hope we're invited to your wedding Wakatoshi."

A relieved sigh parted from your lips, and Wakatoshi maintained his normal blank expression, remaining silent.

"Well I hope you boys have fun tonight."

You laughed at the comment before you and Wakatoshi walked away to let the previous teammates talk with one another. Your arm had made it's way around his, your shoulder gently gracing the side of his arm.

"Do you want juice?"

"Water is fine," You nodded, reaching for a small glass as you grabbed the water jug, slowly watching the liquid fall into the cup.

"Are you enjoying the party?" Wakatoshi was the one to break the silence.

"It's fine," You replied with a shrug before tugging at his arm.

"I just want to say," He began, his olive colored eyes gazing deep into your e/c ones, "Thank for you being my date. I appreciate it."

"I-It's no problem Wakatoshi!" You awkwardly laughed.

A short moment passed, Wakatoshi still staring into your eyes that he found nothing short of mesmerizing. Naturally, you glanced to the side from embarrassment, your face flushed before your lips parted to speak. "We should get back."

Not bothering to argue with you, he simply allowed you to drag him back towards the group of women who all spoke. Cup still in hand, you took a small sip as Wakatoshi joined their conversation.

The night mostly consisted of conversing with his mother's past teammates, while you mostly just stood next to him, jumping into the conversation ever so often when you felt the need to talk.

Everything was going smoothly, until the sudden change of music caught your ear.

"Come on, we're going to miss the slow dance if we just stand around!" One of the woman ushered.

"I don't think-"

"Loosen up! You're always so grim, so just relax!"

Wakatoshi's mom smiled. A tight smile, but a smile nonetheless. The sight reminded you of her son.

"(Name) would you like to dance? The slow dance is coming up," Wakatoshi blankly noted.

"I'd like that," You grinned, and he guided you towards the dance floor, all the couples or groups of friends dancing together. Wrapping your arms around the taller male's neck, his arms snaked around your waist as he held you close. You both swayed to the beat of the music, and you pulled him into a tight hug. A small, barely visible smile formed on the ace's face, his eyes slightly shutting close as he took a deep breath, your scent invading his nose as he tightened his grip around your waist.

The music was soft, and elegant, and you found yourself laying on the ace's chest, his heart beating rapidly as if to match yours. A shaky breath parted from your lips as e/c eyes glanced up into olive colored ones. You found yourself simply staring into each other's eyes in silence, but it was comforting.

When the olive color haired male looked into those deep e/c eyes, he felt all his worries melt away.

He could get used to this.

Tendou's Ship (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now