Chapter 5 : Let me think about it...... No.

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"Come on,Sydney!" Hailey begs,following me through the hall. We've been at this for the past 2 days and man is this girl persistent.

"I'm not going on some stupid double date with some guy you won't even tell me the name of." I reply curtly, taking a bite out of the apple I had managed to grab as I ran out of the house today.

Man, I have to stop hitting that snooze button.

And stop saying man. It's getting really annoying but what do I know? I'm only the voice inside your head.

I shake my head mentally.

"Here's the deal, Hailey. You tell me his name and I just might come..." Her face lights up Immediately "..... unless he turns out to be some serial killer that kills us and buries our bodies in his backyard." I mutter under my breath as a shiver runs down my spine.

Oh,Sydney. What have you gotten yourself into?

"You're being delusional." Hailey says rolling her eyes at my muttering.


"I still don't think you should just go out with some guy you met about... a week ago?" I state right before tripping on my own foot and face planting on the floor.

Why hello there. Nice to see you again and after such short notice too. However, it is a pity I shall not stay for much longer as my friend, Hailey has come to retrieve me to my doom of laughing faces and pointing fingers.

"Sydney! Are you okay?" Hailey shrieks,grabbing and dragging me to a sitting position.

I groan as my hand flies up to my face which is probably already tired of being used as a method of close contact with hard surfaces since this morning.

Apparently, rolling off your bed and landing on your face isn't the best way of starting a day.

I stand up to lock eyes with someone whose look clearly says,"I know I'm better than you but do you really have to land at my feet to show it?"

I look at his companion whose eyes are on Hailey who seems to be looking at me like I'm a fragile doll who just fell from the top shelf which is kind of what I am to her considering I have to go on that stupid double date with her.

I try to stand straight only to feel a shooting pain in my ankle. I wince and Hailey notices.

"Are you okay?", She asks.

I nod.

"Yeah,I'd better go to the infirmary though." I add hesitantly.

"I'll take you." She says quickly.

I am about to object when she gives a fleeting look to the guy who's been staring at her. That's when it clicks.


She better have a good explanation for this.



Hailey seemed pretty convinced my sprain needed medical care bit using my awesome persuasion skills, I'd managed to convince her that all I needed was some good old rest by the bleacher. Nothing beats that good old sweat and sun smell, am I right?

"Well what?" Hailey replies, trying to act like she doesn't know exactly what I'm talking about.

"Come on, spit it out"

She sighs "It's nothing really. Jake's just this guy in my class who I started to talk to a while ago then some time ago, he told me he likes me and I had no idea what to say so I just ran off"

"Let me guess, you've been avoiding him ever since."

She nods silently, wrapping her hands round her knees

I contemplate her for a while,
Hailey would never hurt someone on purpose and knowing that she could probably hurt this guy's feelings, she was trying to put it off, to delay the inevitable.
Sorta like me.

Okay, not really like me but, you know, something in there.

"Well, its not that bad, is it? I mean, if this Jake guy is really your friend,he should understand."

She turns her head to me and sighs,"You don't understand, I don't want to hurt him"

I tilt my head " But you're not hurting him,are you? Hurting him is letting him stay up late wondering if you like him or not, wondering if you'll never speak to him again and letting him see you from far off without even being able to say 'hi' without you disappearing. Doing what you're doing is already hurting him."

"Then what do I do?"

"Tell him you don't like him in that way-"

"You don't get it, do you? Jake is my friend and I-" She cuts in, her voice slightly raised as she sits up.

"Do you like him, Hailey?"

"I...I...I don't know"She sinks back down.

"That's one thing we'll have to sort out. But for now, don't shut him out, just tell him you need some time to think about it, and try not to get his hopes up. It's his feelings and you should respect that because he's still your friend ,right?"

She nods"Right."

She smiles and leans back, turning to me,"You know, Sydney, I could have really used a friend like you back in middle school. You really know how to help a friend out"

I beam"People used to tell me that all the time."

Its too bad that was the only thing I was good at. The only thing they'd talk to me for.

"Your friends?" Hailey asks.

I give her a half-hearted smile "I suppose they were."

I look away from her to the swirling mass of clouds in the sky. I can still feel her eyes boring into me or maybe it's just my imagination.

My friends.
They must have been, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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