A series of events that caused a reveal and a downfall

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So, there's a little backstory to this, so Marinette and Chloe became friends after mari got ostracized by the class, then Chloe brought Adrien in the group after getting some sense into him. And Kagami and Luka joined on their own accord.

Th Gabriel issue needs to be addressed. after they became friends, Mari and Chloe made a very detailed list of every way Gabriel is a bad father, and made a report to give to the CPS about Adrien's unfair work schedule.

they have many many copies of this file and Mari, Chloe,Kagami and Luka all have a copy to send out at any given moment.

Adrien confronted Gabriel and told him about Chloe and Mari having a copy but didn't tell him about Luka or kagami just in case he attacks either girl about the files. Gabriel stays out of Adrien's way so that he doesn't hand him over to the police.


Turns out staring at your ceiling for half an hour motionless while your Kwami's laughter is background noise doesn’t change the flawless painting of the ceiling nor does it make the crisis you’re having go away. Go figure.

So after trying for half an hour Adrien begins to pace.

The day was going great. It was a weekend and his father had entire months worth of business abroad, first in Milan, then New York , then London. So, for a long time, Adrien's schedule was free. They can give him work but really they can't force him to do anything they don't check.

So Adrien took the first week to think, come to terms with his feelings for Ladybug that yes, it has been a while and maybe he did get over her and was just clutching on to the crush just for the sake of holding on. And He let go. It clearly wasn’t going anywhere. And after he vowed to himself to stay professional, him and Ladybug got along better than ever. Then there was the thing with their class.

He realised a while ago that his advice was… trash. He just didn’t know how to go about and tell Mari he didn’t want her to stay silent anymore. His stupidity was solved though when his princess and Chloe began an unlikely friendship. Chloe slapped him upside the head, dragged him to Mari and made him apologize for his stupid mistakes and they became closer friends. Which is good news for him because this reduced her stuttering and flailing. But also bad for his heart because…. Well, he kinda sorta may or may not have developed a massive crush on Mari.

...Where was he going with this? Oh right, the day was going great. Him, Mari, Chloe and Kagami were hanging out in a Cafe. Chloe must have said something funny because Marinette was laughing and he made the mistake of looking at her. The sun was shining on her face making her eyes sparkle even more than normal. There were little crinkles in the corner of her eyes. And Adrien lost his breath. There was a resounding thought playing on a loop in his head as he struggled to keep his heartbeat in control. So it doesn’t beat It's way out of his chest.


Adrien turned about and groaned. This is not helping. How the hell was he supposed to face Mari tomorrow knowing he's…… He shook his head. He needed help. And not from his cheese loving Kwami who's only advice so far was to eat cheese. So he takes out his phone and calls the only person he thinks to call.

Thankfully she picked up fast.

"Chloe I need your help"

"What is it Adrikins? Is Gabriel being a bitch again?" she asks sincerely, probably already taking some papers out.

"No no! He hasn’t contacted me since he left. No, I just realised I'm in love with Marinette." Best to just jump straight to the point.

There was a pause before Chloe answered, "Ok? What about it?" and to her credit, she sounded genuinely confused.

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