Chapter 2: "Text"

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Rachel's POV

What would I expect this year...I lost the love of my life, well it doesn't matter he doesn't even know I like him in fact Quinn Fabray is a head cheerleader, while me is such just some...boring girl. Finn and I are childhood bestfriends, we did things together growing up we experience things together, I was there when his dad died I comfort him that day and I would never want to see Finn cry again I would do anything for bestfriend, we used to go to the park at night and just stargazing at the sky.

Everything felt so right...a moment I wish would never end, just us against the world together him and I are a strong team. And then on the Friday nights we would watch romcom movies, yes I know! Finn also love those types of movies, he's the type of guy who's so romantic and protective, a cuddle monster! A cute one of course. We used to hangout a lot but that changed on that one Friday night, I was going to confess my love for him but then...


"Rachel! I'm here I brought drinks and popcorn" as I open the door I see Finn, my bestfriend, I take a deep breath and then welcome him at the door "Hiii! *gigles* I love your outfit it looks cute on you" he just smile "Haha ohh this...well thank you, you notice my new shirt".

We decide to sit and start the movie, it feels so cozy at the living room the cold air, the lights are dim. In the middle of the movie seems like Finn is enjoying it so far he put his head on my shoulder he's so cuteee and I can't help but to smile and blush "Rachel? You love me right?" It made me panic for minute but "Wait what?" I ask "I mean as your bestfriend silly" Finn chuckles "Ohh yes...yes I do!" I smile

"Great, so I want to tell you something" he sounds serious, Did he likes me too? Is he finally confessing his love for me? I hope so..."What is it?" I look at him "I did tell you that you should be the first person to know who I like" He says with a soft tone "You do anddd who is she?" I don't know why but I'm kinda nervous, what if it's not me? "Remember Quinn? The head cheerleader?" Omg don't tell me that she-"Yes, what's up with her?"

He takes off from laying in my shoulder and then look deeply into my eyes, those beautiful light brown eyes are wanting to tell me something "I asked her to be my girlfriend anddd she said yesss!" He says all happy and just give me cute wide smile, that hurts me and that made me speechless "Come onnn Gingyyy say something! Aren't you happy for your bestfriend?" "Gingy" he made that nickname because I always drink ginger tea in the morning and he think it's cute "Yes of course I am happy for you, it's just made me speechless I mean I-i'm just really happy" he hugs me and then we fall off from the couch that kinda hurt but nothing hurts more than what he just said "You cuddle monsterrr that kinda hurt" he just look at me and chuckles "I'm sorry but you're just so comfy to be cuddle with" he stands up and give me a hand *checks time on his watch* "Ohh Rachel I'm sorry it's late at night I should go now" he says "Wait are you not gonna sleep here? I mean I prepared our matching onesies" please stay "I was just kidding of course I'm gonna stay" he pinch my cheeks and just looks cutely at me. After the movie we go into my room and decides to sleep...

End of flashback...


"Hey Rachel are you okay?, you've been like staring at the wall for like 6 minutes now" Rachel seems to be thinking of something...something serious "Ohh n-nothing I...uhh.. I think we should go now" Rachel says like got into her senses just right now after that we go into our respective classroom, and so on and so on, after the boring class at geography we discuss what are we gonna sing for sectionals. It's been an exhausting day then the class ends...finally!

I said my goodbye to my friends and then calls my dad to pick me up, my dad arrive on time and he opens the door for me, we go to drive thru McDonalds and honestly I'm pretty much starving. So we go home bringing up that cheeseburgers and fries we just live a normal life just me and my dad ever since. I can't stop thinking about that Santana girl...she seems so interesting *phone notification rings*

Unknown: Hi
This is very odd I only gave my phone number to Rachel, Kurt, Mercedes, Tina and Mike and they all already have names in my phone
Britt: Um hey who is this?
Unknown: I live next door
*looks at the window*
Britt: How did you get my phone number?
Unknown: It doesn't matter...don't worry I'm pretty much harmless
Britt: Well okay... then why did you want to talk to me? Do u need something?
Unknown: Haha why? does no one ever talk to u? I mean ur cute and ur such an amazing dancer
Britt: Wait how did u know I know how to dance?
Unknown: Let's just say... after what u did on glee club today really impressed me and I wish I could stop being a coward and talk to u in person
Britt: Oh so ur also at the glee club?? Well it's not scary to talk to me I'm also harmless ;)
Unknown: Cuteee :) anyways get some sleep now u might get late at school
Britt: Okay, wait what's ur name?
Unknown: Secretttt :)

Umm that was pretty weird, I mean why would he jus- wait is he a she or a he? Idk why don't she or he just talk to me in person....

At school....

I feel like I'm floating or something, I've been just resting my head on my hand while the teacher is discussing the lesson, who that person might be? "Blonde can u like focus on the lesson, I won't be like carrying this project at science class" Santana says like she getting annoyed at me "Oh I..uh.. I'm sorry I've been just thinking- "Of someone? Well you better know the topic because you're coming with me" Santana says while she's writing some notes at the lesson "Wait where are we going?" I ask "At the park we'll have some groupwork there and you better learn something from the topic today because theres no way I would do our project alone" she says without looking at me "Ohh I thought it's just the two of us" why did I even think of that? Smh "Well then see you at 5:00pm" she winks at me and just look away like nothing happened. After the class Santana waited for me and grab my hands softly, my hand and hers touched and her hands are pretty soft it's like I don't want to let go of that hand, then she decides to run for somewhat reason that I have no clue about "Where are we going and why are we running? Does it really needs to be rush with?" I look at her "Well I don't want to be late at the park" she says "Wait isn't it like 3:30pm right now?" I ask "The meeting change plus don't you like want to be advance come onn it'll be fun trust me" she smile omg that cute smile it's making me blush why am I like this? I mean I haven't feel something like this towards girls and it's pretty weird I don't know what's happening. We stop running after a truck stop by "Hey Britt! You guys come here now" Finn says "Okay Frankenteen cut it out, are the others there?" Santana asks "Yeah now hop in guys" Santana opens the door for me and help me to get into the truck, she's confusing me...theres gonna be those moment where she seems to not like me and theres gonna be those moments where she's gonna be such a sweet cutie "Thank you" I smile while blushing "It's fine no worries now can you move please so I can sit in the car? Um hello?" Omg how long have I've been staring at her, I hope she doesn't find me weird "Ohh right, I'm sorry" then the engine starts and so on we go at the park.

Who do you guys think the person Brittany is talking to? Find that out for more updates :)

Hope u guys enjoy the story today

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