Would you care?
Would you care, if I told you I get sick every time I worry about you?
Would you care, if I told you that when I see you I try my best to make sure you eat?
Would you care, if I told you that every time I see you that I feel warm and afraid?
Would you care, if I told you that I listen to you?
Would you care, if I told you that there are times when I can here there's something wrong but I can't comfort you because it's not my place?
Would you care, if I told you I worry about how you get home? To school?
Would you care, if I told you how much it hurts to hide this feeling and still know you're not doing a good job?
Would you care, if I told you that I want to know what makes you happy?
Would you care, if I told you that I want to be close to you?
Would you care, if I told you that I am sorry?