Chapter 2: (A fortunate break)

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The day had just been normal, the teacher came in, taught and left, not minding if anyone wasn't listening. 

Well, it was a public school where no one was forced to listen or even reminded to do assignments. Your life was your own here and Matthew was always on the right side since he had kept in mind that nothing was going to make him be like her sister.  She was a pitiful failure but not him.

The bell rang and throngs of students streamed out, ready for the break time porridge. The porridge was so  bad. It was so thin and tasteless as usual. No one liked it, it was just the way everyone had to fill their tummies.

Matthew looked at his empty bag for another time not believing that he'd not carried his cup. He felt even colder; he'd not drank break fast and now he was going to miss porridge?

He disappointedly walked outside and sat down on his favorite large rock in the field. Kicking rocks. He knew no one could lend him a cup right now because all of them were probably using it.

Looking down, he saw the red soil and he remembered his crazy dream. Was it really a dream? He thought as he dipped his hand into his pockets. He nearly laughed once he realized that he was just fooling himself.

"Hey, why are you smiling?" A sweet voice came from behind and he came back to reality. He turned his face and met face to face with Fortune. His best (female) friend and the most beautiful girl in class.

"Er... I was just remembering something funny," he stated nervously.

"Funny? What is it?" She asked.

Fortune was a sucker for stories and conversations but, on the other hand, Matthew was rather shy and had no great stories to tell.

"Si unisongee. (please let me sit there)," she said in kiswahili once she had reached close enough and Matthew made space for her to sit.

It wasn't the first day they were talking, they had talked since they met in class three hence their strong  friendship.

Listen, this doesn't  mean that Matthew had stories, Fortune was the only one trying to keep all their conversations going.

"Well, I just remembered what I had  dreamt and I laughed." Matthew said briefly and she giggled sitting down.

"It must be a dream about money, isn't it?" She said still now laughing.

"How did you know?" He asked In surprise.

"I saw you putting your hands in your pocket,"

She went on laughing but Matthew just smiled and looked away. He was not in the mood.

"Kwani, what's wrong?" She asked when she realized he wasn't laughing like he'd do some rare times. She realized his mouth was dry. He must be thirsty.

"Here," she told Matthew, "take this." She gave him the cup she was holding all along, "I saw you without porridge and I felt I needed to give you this."

"Why?" Matthew asked, "its yours."

"Just take it, I have already eaten." She explained.

Matthew, after realizing the help she was giving, he couldn't even wait. He was so hungry no one could stop him from eating... But one thing was strange by the first gulp, how come it was tea not porridge! How come?

As if to read his mind, she said, "Its what they give us for breakfast."

"Ooh!" He said pretending to understand.

"The ABC organisation you fool!" She shouted jokingly.

Matthew at once remembered the facts he'd kept away long ago:

Fortune was an orphan; she had no parents and that's how the ABC sponsors found her and brought her to school.

To others, it seemed as if she was a rich girl but the fact was that she was among the people who were helped to learn and given sponsorships. It brought a sad feeling to Matthew but he was too occupied with the tea to say sorry. They had already talked about it some other day and he didn't want to make her sadder today by bringing up the delicate topic.

The bell rang! Everyone started streaming towards their classes. Matthew, having finished the tea, stood up and Fortune stood too.

"Matthew," she whispered. "Could you hold my hand to class" she asked cheekily and Matthew got nervous. Seeing that he didn't want to co-operate, she reached out for his arm and took it. Matthew wasn't ready, but he found himself walking towards the class hand in hand with the most beautiful girl in class.

Me: Kelvin's p.o.v

"What are those two doing?" I asked my best friend Isaac.

"I don't know," he answered briefly.

"They are holding hands you fool," I snapped. Isaac had a tendency of making people mad because he acted as if he knew nothing.

Fortune was so attractive but she didn't make me feel how she made other boys feel. Regardless,  I vowed that I must know what this people are up to.

I had gone to the toilet before coming to class. On coming back, I saw them standing together near the door. This was not fair. There shouldn't be relationships in school. But this two seemed not to care. Are they not scared of being found?

"There is something I need to tell you," Fortune said once Matthew took away his arm from hers. Which happened so fast.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Today, I have a surprise for you." She said, "Up there, in class two. Will you come at four?" She asked. Matthew opened his eyes wide.

"Kelvin, the teacher is coming,"
Isaac shouted at me while I was still spying on the duo.

I started running. (Surely, like a criminal, which I was) I didn't like going across any teachers way. I jump into my desk and Isaac followed me jumping into his space beside me.

Matthew came in ( not really running) and sat in the desk in front of me.

He had no desk mate which only meant no one liked his company. He was a genius kid and everyone felt inferior to him at any time. It was better if you sat with someone who you could understand each other. Like me and Isaac. But did he care?

Matthew was in a turmoil. He didn't want anything to do with girls but this one girl was making him so mad. It wasn't the first time she was giving him a favour and she seemed to be indirectly asking for something from him; Another great favour maybe, And maybe today was the day he was to pay for all her favours.

In that creepy room, that room called class two.

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