Chapter four | Confrontation |

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A/N: Hello, I said I would continue this story, so here is chapter four. I really like this one, so I hope you do, too. 

It's been an entire week since you injured your left leg and your little confrontation with Todoroki. Yyou went back to just being Y/N – at least until you would be able to move freely again.

Even though you were lucky that the quirk didn't destroy your bone, you still had trouble walking. You knew you couldn't be Foxy while limping, so you took a break.

"I honestly can't remember the last time we weren't fighting crime or plotting some strategies in our free time" TK hummed as he took a sip from his strawberry milkshake, slowly walking along the streets with you by his side.

"Right? I miss it a little, but I feel like we can talk about other stuff again. Lately it always has been Foxy here, Foxy there" you agreed also taking a sip from your vanilla milkshake.

"And I am able to concentrate on uni stuff more" the blue haired male added but instead of getting you to agree this time, you just scrunched up your nose in distaste.

"I wouldn't really consider that a win but you have always been a nerd" you joked, lightly boxing his arm.

"Hey! Stop hurting me. I thought you wanted to be a hero" he pouted, dramatically rubbing his arm where you hit him. You let out a snicker at his silliness before shifting your gaze forward again. What you saw made almost your heart stop.

About 5 meters away there was a little girl who was running after her ball that rolled onto the street and right into the lane of a truck. Of course, it had to be a truck.

"Hey! Watch out!" You immediately sprung into action, letting go of your milkshake you ignored the pain in your leg and catapulted yourself forward. You put in as much force as possible in hopes that when you grabbed the girl that the two of you would still have enough momentum to roll off the street.

Fortunately for you and TK, who was about to get a heart attack, your plan worked out. Within seconds you laid on the other side of the street with a crying girl lying in your arms which hugged her ball like it was her only anchor.

You carefully sat up, moving the little girl, so she could rest on your lap. You never were particular good with children, so you clumsily petted her head while trying to comfort her with kind words.

The onlookers stared at you two with wide eyes. Most were still in shock while others needed more time to process what exactly just happened. Soon enough a crying woman was running your way. You assumed this was the mother.

"Emi!" She called out to the little girl, falling on her knees right beside you in order to take her from you.

"Oh, thank you so much! I-, I wouldn't know what to do if anything happened to her" the woman who was now hugging her daughter thanked you over and over again. Not really knowing how to handle the situation, you settled for smiling awkwardly while telling her that this was nothing and that you were glad to help.

"Idiot!" You heard the angry voice of TK call out.

"And here comes my mom" you muttered rather annoyed since you knew what was coming your way.

"Are you okay? I swear I will kill you if your leg injury becomes worse! How can you be that careless? You really drive me crazy" he kneed down in front of you, slightly shaking your shoulders while his eyes roamed you for any signs that you were hurt.

"I am fine, I really am. I just did what everyone would have done" you shrugged it off, suddenly feeling bashful at the fact that TK was gushing all over you while other people were staring at you, too.

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