Chapter 1: The Lucky One

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Author's Note: Thank you to those who read, gave feedback, and enjoyed the Prologue. It means a lot :) Here is chapter one and I hope you all enjoy.

Harry's Point Of View.

The bells rung and I found myself in the hallway. The school day was halfway over and I couldn't be any more ecstatic. My literature teacher, Ms. Stevens, gave the class the luxury of laughing, as she made a fool out of me about not finishing my essay. I couldn't think of anything better that I would rather have been doing, at the time. It's always exciting being the class clown with no consent whatsoever. I rolled my eyes, coming to a stop at my locker. I put in the combination, then allowed the door to swing open and slam against the neighbor's. I didn't care; my day wasn't going so well. I should've just stayed home and remained asleep. I was already late anyways. Foot steps could be heard stampeding through the halls and I knew, immediately, who they belonged to. There's really only one other person who's always running to catch up with me. "Hi, Niall."

"Dude, you bailed out of Ms. Stevens' class so early. Thanks for leaving me with those devious people." I grabbed the essential text books and materials needed for the next class, then closed my locker - leaning against it afterwards.

"I wasn't going to just sit there and allow that. She could've pulled me aside and asked to speak to me. Teachers think they can get away with everything."

"Well, technically, they can't get away with having sexual relationships with students."

"Yeah...I don't see how that's relevant to what I have going on, but I'll keep that in mind."

"Oh, lighten up, mate! At least you got some credit for the paper. That's better than a zero."

"Yeah, but my mom isn't going to take this too well. She might end up making me work extra hours, or days, at the bakery. I'm lucky enough to even get the weekends off. I don't need her breathing down my back even more." Just as Niall began to open his mouth, a fellow classmate of ours, Liam came to a full stop in front of us. He wore a yellow plaid shirt, black bold lines creating checkered patterns; skin tight, black jeans, topped off with white chucks. His head was freshly shaved, though it wasn't always that way. He cut it, recently. I guess it's his way of acting out or being rebellious. His parents are very strict.

"Hey, lads."

"Hey." Niall and I said, simultaneously .

"I was just wondering if you two were going to Zayn's pool party this weekend. I heard he's getting a water slide built in." He was very ecstatic about it all. Honestly, I don't know why Liam even bothers. Niall and I are good friends with him and he doesn't lack nearly as much of intelligence like most of the school; however, he seems to always forget that Zayn doesn't like us very much.

"Why would we do that?" Niall asked, taking the words right out of my mouth. The question was more rhetorical, if anything.

"Look, I know Zayn hasn't exactly been the easiest person to get along with, but he's my friend and you guys are my friends and it'll be nice to see you there. I'll even pick you both up. Don't worry, I'll try to talk some sense into him."

"And if that doesn't go as planned?" I asked, curiously.

"Then, I'll pick you up anyway and I'll just take the wrap for it afterwards."

"Li - "

"Catch you guys later." He cut me off, not even bothering to try to be reasonable about this. Honestly, I never understood why Zayn didn't fancy us too much. I've always been nice to him, even helping him study a few times; but he never seems to be satisfied. Instead of giving me the whole "this didn't one must know" speech at the end of every tutor lesson, he just completely ignored me the day after every session. Eventually, he stopped coming around. It didn't bother me much. I need him as much as a fish needs cats parading around it. I mentally slapped myself for that statement, causing my face to twist up in confusion as I thought too hard about that lame metaphor.

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