Chapter 11: It's time to crash a wedding after [Redacted]

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As two weeks pass by 2732 and many other Scps started to train the ORC as this journey was gonna be a pain in the ass mainly for 2732 as it does not care except for being busted down by the gamma 13 soldiers so there's that.

Two weeks later

Scp-2732: "Well looks like it's time for you guys. Good luck and if you lose i'm gonna destroy a god damn building."

Rias: "We'll make sure to not lose."

Scp-2732: "You bet-"


Scp-2732: "AHHHHHHH!!!!!" *2732 smash a window as after not even more than probably a few hours he heard that after the rating game Rias lost and you know what that being smashed tonight "I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE THIS!!! GETTING BLOWN UP BY A BITCH WITH EXPLOSIONS, AND ISSEI GOD DAM IT!!! GODDDDDDD FUCKING DAMN IT!!!"

Cain: "2732 you should calm down. You did everything to the best to your human possibility..."

Scp-2732: "BUT I CAN'T CAIN!!! THIS IS LITERALLY BULLSHIT!!!" *2732 returns Cain back to where he came as God comes in intervening 2732*

God: "My child I have heard your cries of anger...what has gotten you so angry?"

Scp-2732: "God since you know everything you know about the rating games?"

God: "I have knowledge on everything my children created."

Scp-2732's thought: "Oh yeah in the bible God loves every one of his child even the ones that were created and Lucifer yada yada yada I get the picture."

Scp-2732: "Look basically one of my...acquaintance is in this marriage set up and long story short she- or in this case I made an agreement to where if she win the rating game she wouldn't marry this guy who is a complete and forgive my language a complete jackass."

God: "That sounds awful."

Scp-2732: "Yea-" *Then a lightbulb came up on 2732* "I have an idea God send me to hell!"

God: "Are you sure about it? I know what you're planning but you think it's a good idea?"

Scp-2732: "Well you know i'm gonna go for it besides I dealt with somewhat worst things than what i'm going through right now. But first can you create me a phone and a Bluetooth speaker?"

God: *He does so* "Why do you need it?"

Scp-2732: "Eh if i'm gonna break up a wedding i'm gonna need-" *Then Issei appears* "WHAT THE HELL?!"

Issei: "HOLY CRAP! One minute I was talking with Grayfia and- AHH IT'S THAT GOD?!"

Scp-2732: "Yes welcome to the SCP foundation dumb dumb we're gonna crash a wedding so are you in or not?"

Issei: "Oh now you're talking my language. I can finally kick Riser's ass."

Scp-2732: "With my knowledge and your experience I think we might be able to do so with little effort...I hope."

Issei: "You know i'm gonna ignore that last part but how are we-"

Scp-2732: "God bro. God! Send us to hell! Not an expression I would say but hey let's do so and let's also crash a motherfucking wedding!"

About maybe two minutes later in the wedding

As the wedding is going on you know the drill smchill

Pastor: "And if anyone has any objection to this, speak now or forever hold their peace."

Riser: "Heh nobody would even dare interrupt the w-" *Then everybody was hearing some sort of muffle music followed by multiple thumps and the music gets louder*

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