Is Ezra Mandalorian? pt:1

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A/N: hey guys sorry that i haven't uploaded in a long time it's that i did't have any inspiration and i was so occupied with a lot of personal things that i couldn't really think of a good chapter . But now i finally have an idea but don't worry i will also upload another chapter in my other story ' Revenge of the mandalorian' soooooooooo enjoy the chapter!

None's POV

it was a very long day for the ghost crew they had just finished a very hard OP where they had to acquire a data chip from an imperial complex and everything was going alright until they found Darth Vader

Ezra's Pov

 " Kanan it's the sith lord" i screamed.How can we even compare to him? he killed ahsoka! and beat us both while we fought him... 

" Guys run! we will cover you!" Kanan shouted as we activated our lightsabers and got to our fighting stance ready for a battle that will certainly end with a lot of injuries. 'Ezra..' Kanan's voice spoke in my head 'we can't take him on we have to use plan D' i responded in a worried voice ' Ok i'll contact Hera but in the meantime we have to fight him' he told me 'ok lets go!' i said as we both lunged at him. 

Kanan was using his normal fighting stile while i used a new more aggressive one made from form 3 and ahsoka's form 4 and 5. " ah young Bridger you have gotten stronger or should i call you Ezra Visla Katan!" he said in an intimidating voice " Noooo how did you find out! no-one knows except for me and my mother! RRRAAAAAGHHHH!" i screamed unleashing all my anger while completely forgetting about my defence. This surprised both the sith lord and my master but it resulted with me getting long lightsaber slashes on my face torso and arms as i screamed out in pain collapsing from it soon after.

Kanan's Pov 

"Nooooooooo Ezra" i shouted while i watched as my padawan collapsed from excruciating pain.     "Hera  where the fuck are you, Ezra's injured!" i shouted into my com while trying to fight Vader while i hear Hera say " Kanan we're almost there hang on" "ok Hera but hurry i can't take it much longer" i say while force pushing Vader and re-attacking him with all of the energy that i could muster. I swiped and fought as hard as i can but Vader was flawless effortlessly blocking my hits and dodging them . and just as i was in the brink of giving up Hera came and i jumped on the ship and just as the ship started to fly away it bolted as i saw Vader pulling the ship towards him. i tried to force push him but i couldn't i was too tired and i started drifting into unconsciousness as the last thing i heard was Ezra screaming "NOOOOOOOOOO!" and after that the ship was once again flying away...


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