Acknowledgements/Final Note

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First order of business; I don't care if I spelled Acknowlegements right. or wrong.

Second; Thank you all for reading this book. Like I have said, this has gotten a lot more views than I thought it would. Also, thank you for sticking with me despite only updating like 3 times in 2 months. There are a select few who I would like to thank especially. Everyone go follow them because they are great people; 







And all of my wonderful followers. 

I honestly don't know if there will be a sequel, but probably not. I just don't think that I can update often enough to satisfy you guys. I will probably make a One-shots of a bunch of random stuff, but I would strongly suggest staying away from that if you wish to remain innocent. It will be a bit mature. If I feel like it, I will write another book, but it not be spy school. So, this is basically farewell until I decide to write another book.



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