Icy's an omega? - chapter 1

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Ray~ heya this story was a suggestion and ive been meaning to so a story like this so I decided to hold the tododeku one :3 the person who suggested this was @Yuki0749

This story might contain smutt but ill add a warning if i do decide to do so


•rotten grape


(If ive missed someone or you want me to change someone i will but i will not change deku, katsuki or shoto)

Bakubabe's pov

I was walking down a hallway of UA high and stopper dead in my tracks when i smelt a sweet aroma in the air <is that..peppermint?> being the curious alpha i was I followed the smell to an abandoned classroom, pushing the doors open i saw a student but not just any student but that damn icyhot.

He was sweating and panting <isnt he an alpha? Why is it like he is in hea- wait...is icy an omega?!> i smirked at this new found information and walked up to him. He finally realised i was there and began to well atleast try to walk away but his legs betrayed him and he fell. In time I caught him "woah there icyhot i dont need ya to hurt yourself" he just gripped my shirt an whimpered

I stood up <hes cu- wait no kat stop you need to take him to the nurses office> with that i ran there avoiding people as i kinda got the hint that poor little peppermint here doesn't want people to know his true second gender

Icyhot's pov (before/ during and after katsu found him)

I wanted to take a walk so i did just that. I felt myself heat up a bit <oh shit nonono not now pleasee> and of course my body didnt want to listen, i became more hotter and began sweating. I ran to closets empty class room it was abandoned. I leaned against one of the desks my heat becoming more and more prominent every passing second.

I soon smelt a strong scent of cinnamon but thought someone was just passing by <hopefully a beta> but oh boy was i wrong. I saw the blond bomb standing infront of me, i tried stepping away but my legs gave way and i fell awaiting for the grounds impact but was replaced by two strong warm arms

I liked the feeling and clung to his shirt, beginning to whimper as my heat got bad. I was also scared as katsuki is an alpha and i dont want him to..umm have his way with me. I opened my eyes and saw that boom boom boi was carrying me taking to wich I presume was the nurses office

Once we arrived recovery girl came and gave me some suppressants, i take one and immediately got better. I turn towards katsuki with a slight blush "t..thank you bakugou im sorry you had to take me here and..how did you stop youself from losing control?" I was genuinely curious, usually alphas lose control and do bad things "its chill peppermint and it wasnt a bother, to answer your question my father and mither trained me to not lose control and i guess ut came in handy" he smiled and i blushed more.

Katsuki has been my crush for a while but uou can just tell how he likes kirishima. That hurts to think about it and kat must have noticed. "Oi icy you ok? Why are you sending out distressed singles ey?" His rough but soothing voice spoke out "a..ah sorry kats- i..i mean bakugo hehe i guess i..was..thinking of somthing" i chuckled and was immediately calm. Did..did he send out calming pheromones..for me?


"Im sorry...katsuki" is coming to an end so im doing amother book heh i hope this is good tell me if i need to improve on anything
Have a good day/night ✌️

- Ray

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