Chapter 16

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"So!" Ilia began when Blake was finished. "Adam's part vampire, who tried to kill you during your last mission and left you for dead on a train full of broken military Paladins."

Blake nodded.

"After that you stayed on the train until your aura healed you, which must've taken hours..." Ilia trailed off sadly.

Blake bit her lip as she remembered the hours she'd been forced to spend in pain until her aura healed her.

"After that, of all things, you decided to join Beacon?" Ilia asked, that being the part she was struggling to understand.

"I knew if I came back Adam would've killed me, and if I went back to Menagerie, someone would have told Adam I was alive, I knew I'd be safe at Beacon." Blake explained.

"Fair enough, you could have contacted me though, you know I would've helped." Ilia said softly.

Blake smiled at her best friend.

"I know, thanks Ilia." Blake sighed and started swinging her legs again, her shadows rippling like they did every time she moved.

"So why are you here now?" Ilia asked. "I mean, if you were trying to keep a low profile."

"That's a long story," Blake answered, a little too casually for Ilia's liking.

"Okay," Ilia trailed off. "Tell me how you became a vampire then."

"My team was out shopping a few days ago," Blake began. "After we were done, we decided to stay in Vale for dinner, but we got lost and ended up finding a warehouse where the White Fang was having a recruitment meeting, we arrived just as it finished and ran into Roman Torchwick." Blake glanced at Ilia curiously, who nodded in recognition.

"He did this to you?" Ilia asked.

Blake gave a hesitant nod.

"We got in a fight, and my partner Yang got hurt, when I went to check on her, I got hit by an attack meant for her," Blake cringed at the memory. "Yang's the vampire who turned me, so she would've been alright, especially since she can turn into a phoenix."

"She can what?!" Ilia cried.

Blake blinked in confusion.

"Vampires can turn into any animal of their choice." Blake explained, assuming it was common knowledge.

Ilia nodded for her to continue.

"Torchwick used a lot of fire dust, Yang had offered to turn me before, but I don't think she expected me to accept." Ilia stared at her in horror.

"Please don't tell me you let him live after that." Ilia demanded.

"I'm not sure, Ruby said I was asleep for the next few days," Blake explained as she tried in vain to remember.

Ilia eyed the shadows as they moved around Blake, she reached a hand out, but her fingers passed right through them. "Did you come to kill Adam?"

"Yeah," Blake answered, watching Ilia play with her shadows.

"Well, if I die while helping you." Ilia began.

Blake frowned at the thought.

"I could turn you, if you want." Blake offered.

Ilia shook her head firmly. "If I die, promise you won't, you survived because you wanted to, but I want to see my parents again." Ilia admitted, her age becoming all the more apparent; a little girl who only wanted to be with her parents.

Blake smiled sadly.

"Okay, but I'd rather you not die," Blake half joked. "I'd like you to meet my new friends anyway."

Ilia nodded. "I'll try; so do you have a plan?"

"Kind of, I heard someone say Adam isn't here, and no one knows when he'll be back." Blake admitted.

"He's in Vale, visiting some 'business colleagues.'" Ilia did air quotes. "They're probably just other vampires."

"Do you know their names?" Blake asked. "Or anything about them?"

"Not really," Ilia admitted. "He didn't say where in Vale he was going either."

Blake glanced down at her shadows and smiled.

"Well it gives us time to come up with a plan." she pointed out.


"You were gone a while." the man said to Ilia with a smile.

"I lost track of time, is Adam back yet?" Ilia asked impatiently.

"All in good time," he reassured. "You should find something to do, Adam will be busy when he returns."

"I'll go back to my tent," Ilia said, turning in said direction. Weird guy.

"Do you not like him?" Blake asked when Ilia got to the tent.

"Not really, and when did you get here?" Ilia asked.

"I cloaked myself in shadows." Blake answered.

"If being a vampire gives you new powers, what else can you do?" Ilia asked, sitting on her bed.

Blake thought for a moment, then smiled.

"I can turn into a cat," she answered.

Ilia blinked, remembering her saying something about vampires turning into animals. "Show me."

Blake nodded and suddenly disappeared, a small black cat with big golden eyes sat in her place.

Ilia scooped her up and held her out in front of her.

"That's amazing," she breathed.

The cat just stared at her and meowed.

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