Over and Over Again!

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Beth POV
When I woke up, Addy was nowhere to be found. I couldn't believe we could have a night like that and she would just leave. I got ready and went to school and there she was.
I pulled her aside to talk.
"I can't believe you" I said
"Can't believe what?"
"We need to talk about what happened last night, what it means"
"There's nothing to talk about"
"Addy we had sex, what do you mean there's nothing to talk about?"
"Beth would you let it go" She said and started walking away. I grabbed her arm and said
"Over and over again I have put my heart on my sleeve for you and every time you do shit like this. I'm done Addy" I said.

Addy POV
Apart of me wanted to go after Beth, apart of me wanted to take back what I just said, but I didn't I let her walk away and I don't even know why!
Standing in the corner was Ryan watching the whole altercation between Beth and Addy and she couldn't help but think this was her moment. Ryan followed Beth to class and sat by her. She could see Beth wasn't in a good mood but she said what she had to say anyways. It was now or never.

Ryan POV
"You seem like you're not doing too well, so do you want to come over my house after school?" I asked Beth.
"You know what! Sure, I'll drive" she said.
*I always knew Addy would slip up, and I would be right here to take over*
the day ended and Beth and I were on our way to my house.
"Where's Riri?" She asked.
"She went out with her friends so it's just you and me"
"Wanna drink shots and dance and just have fun?" I asked
"Sure why not"
Time flew pass and we were both drunk, laughing like crazy. We ended up watching a movie. There was this sex scene and I couldn't help it, I started to touch Beth but when she didn't stop me I continued. We started kissing which got heated and soon after we were both naked on top of each other.
We had sex round after round and on our last round when I was about to cum I blurted out
"I love you" as I moaned.
We were laying there, both saying nothing. I couldn't believe I said that, despite it was mostly the sex talking apart of me did have feelings for her. A lot!
Then suddenly she said "You said you loved me".
"I did"
"I'm okay with that" she said then turned over and fell asleep.
*Was her saying that a good thing?*.
All I know is! Me 1 Addy 0
That thought made me happy as I laid there holding Beth as I slept.

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