Eyes On You Too

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There Addy stood, on the pavement still reciting what Beth said in her head over and over while feeling every part of her heart break.. "Maybe I deserve that" she thought. After what she put Beth through she believed she deserved that. One thing she did know though, she was going to make damn sure she had her eyes on HER girl this time.

2 Weeks...
2 weeks passed and to say Addy hasn't made much progress in getting Beth to be hers was an understatement, but she was trying nonetheless especially after that conversation they had.

The day after Beth said what she said. Addy made sure to tell Beth that she knew she didn't mean what she said and was going to make sure she changed her mind.
"I love you and I know you love me too regardless of what you said last night" Addy said.
"You don't get it do you Hanlon. You fucked me over with Colette, you treated me like shit and then you knew what Ryan was doing and you didn't tell me, and you want me to be with you?"
"Yes! I admit I fucked up and I should have never treated you the way I did but if there's any chance the slightest I'll fit this"
They both looked at each other for a while. Addy started to wonder if Beth was going to say no and if she did what would happen to them both?. She knew she couldn't go back just being Beth's best friend. She had accepted her feelings now and she wouldn't be able to turn them off. So when she heard Beth say "Convince me". She knew she had to do exactly that!.

Addy POV
It's been 2 weeks since Beth told me to convince her. 2 weeks of being by her side every single day, 2 weeks of asking her out and her saying "I'll think about it". So this time I was going to try something different.
I had a whole date night planned and all I had to do was get her there. I had Riri tell her they were going out clubbing so to look nice. (She was happy to help especially after what went down with her sister). So here I was standing by a lake in front of a table set up for two with beautiful lights all around waiting on Beth to get here.
The minute I saw her my breath hitched and my heart raced and in that moment I knew I loved this girl like crazy.

Beth POV
Riri told me we were going club and to look nice. At first when she insisted on picking my outfit I was skeptical but it was Riri I didn't think much of it but when we drove pass all the clubs and to this forest like place shit started to be off. I walked over to the lake and saw Addy (in this gorgeous outfit) looking at me.
"What's going on?" I asked
"I figured if I wanted this date night to happen I had to get creative"
"So you did all of this?"
"Yes! For you... for us"

They sat and eat until the date was over. Driving back home was a comfortable silence. They walked into Beth's house and up the stairs and talked for hours. Just as Beth was about to fall asleep she heard Addy say "My eyes are on you now too".

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