The Drawing...

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Narrator's POV

Contrary to popular belief, Hell runs cold.

Hell is not a realm of fire and brimstone, it resembles more of a cave.

In this cave of a realm, there is no light —save the few patches of flameglass, glass like rocks that emit light, littering the ceiling— and all the inhabitants need night vision to see anything beyond their own hands.

Luckily, every demon has the ability to see in the dark so it is very easy for them to wander around.

Additionally, Hell resembles a city surrounded by forest on every side with only a small patch in the center dedicated to the damned souls.

In that circle, Hell is exactly like how you would imagine.

But Ciel was not going anywhere near that circle today, no, he and his mate where going to the opposite side of Hell, where the city gradually became more forest, where Lucifer's palace sat tall.

There was a sizable crowd already assembled, standing in front of them all were seven boxes labeled with each of the deadly sins.

Every demon belonged to one sin, the sin they were most drawn towards, the one they commit the most.

So, wanting to sign up for the chance to be picked, Ciel summoned himself a scrap of paper holding his name and dropped into the box labeled 'Pride'.

If Sebastian were signing up, he'd place his name into 'Wrath''s box, but he had no interest in becoming prince.


An hour later, after everyone who wanted a try put their name in their sin's box, a man appeared in the center of the room.

The man looked young, maybe early thirties but Ciel knew well that it was impossible to tell a demon's age by looks alone.

But this man, he wasn't a demon, his aura was similar but not at all the same.

"He must be a fallen angel." Ciel deduced, then again ignoring the man

But, the man gathered everyone's attention again by merely tapping his foot twice on the ground, making a staff appear in his hands.

The staff wasn't truly a staff as Ciel had first assumed, it was more of a corseque with a obsidian blade on a silver rod.

"Good afternoon, everyone." The fallen angel greeted, "I imagine you all know who I am but for those of you who are young or new I'll introduce myself anyways, I'm Lucifer, King of Hell. Anyways, I know you guys don't care about that so I'll just get to the drawings."

Reaching into the first box, which was Wrath's box, he drew out the first name, "Ryuu."

A male demon stepped forward, from looks alone he looked like he was around mid-twenties and of Asian descent.

Ryuu had long black hair tied back in a man-bun and bright hazel eyes, he wore a loose fitting red shirt and fitted black pants.

Seeing the first called, Lucifer than drew out of 'Greed', "Anake."

A female demon stepped forward this time, she was Caucasian with snow white hairiest back in a french braid and ice blue eyes.

Anake wore olive green crop-top and blue jeans.

Next called upon was 'Lust', Lucifer calling upon, "Sirvart."

Another female stepped forward, though this one was the opposite to Anake.

Where Anake resembled ice, Sirvart was all fire with her bright red hair and green eyes.

Sirvart wore a pale, almost white, pink sweater and grey leggings.

Next up was 'Gluttony', where "Lycus" was called upon.

Lycus was extremely tall, easily a head over Sebastian which probably put him around six foot six.

Additionally he was of African descent and his black hair was shaved close to his head.

His clothes were rather plain, just a simple black shirt and dark grey jeans, but all that did was make his golden eyes pop out even more.

About half way done with the drawings, Lucifer stuck his hand into Envy's box and announced, "Cadmus."

Next up, second to last, was 'Sloth'.

"Briony." Lucifer called out

This female demon was also of African descent, her long hair in thick braids that had strands of gold woven into the hair.

Briony wore a white tube top and a blue jeans.

Finally, was Pride.

Lucifer pulled out a scrap of paper and held it in his hand.

Ciel looked around the crowd, wondering how many other Pride demons were present, how much competition he had competing against him.

A second later, though it felt like an eternity, Lucifer read it aloud, "Ciel."

The blunette blinked twice, three times and then walked forward to take his place as final competitor.

All eyes were on him as he walked towards the fallen angel.

As he stood by the other six demons, Lucifer spoke one last time to the crowd, "Here we have it, our seven potential princes. Next time you all here form me, Hell with have an heir."


The next hour was a blur, the seven potentials given a tour of Lucifer's palace and each shown to their room.

Before long, Ciel would finally unwind and was sat in his room with his mate nearby.

Ciel leaned against Sebastian, "I'm in."

The older demon pressed a kiss to his forehead, "Indeed you are."

Ciel tilted his head up to connect their lips.

After a few minutes of kissing, Ciel separated and asked, "So, what do you make of my competition."

Sebastian was silent for a minute before replying, "I saw this with love, but you are, as usual, the physically weakest one here. Just do what you usually do and play smarter than your foes. I am forbidden from helping you so I can only offer my advice. Your biggest competition is the wrath demon, Ryuu, if ur comes to a fight do not try to overpower him, he is far stronger than you. You must be smart, be more clever than him."

Ciel nodded, "I'll keep that in mind for the test tomorrow."...

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