The Queen...

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Narrator's POV

Ten dry minutes passed and soon both Ciel and Ryuu were walking into the throne room.

The wrath demon held a black velvet jewelry box, making the younger demon wonder what was within.

The same could be said for the Asian demon, wondering what was in the rather thin rectangular envelope the pride demon held.

The fallen angel greeted them both, "Ryuu, Ciel, I hope you brought something valuable. Ryuu, you present first."

Facing the box's opening towards the King of Hell, the hazel eyed demon opened it.

Both Lucifer and Ciel were greeted with the sight of the infamous Hope Diamond, the most cursed diamond in the world.

The price demon knew the gem was with three hundred and fifty million dollars and was responsible for dozens of deaths snd suicides.

The two potential princes had taken the interpretation of valuable in very different directions.

"Very interesting." Lucifer said, picking up the necklace and weaving the chain around his black-tipped fingers

After a moment, the father of lies then placed the cursed object back in its box, then turning to Ciel, "What did you bring?"

Ciel pulled the the panting out of its envelope.

The blunette gulped as he handed the picture of his family over to the Devil.

Lucifer gently took it and stared at it, dragging his index finger along the largest blood splatter on the painting.

Lucifer gently took it and stared at it, dragging his index finger along the largest blood splatter on the painting

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"This is what valuable truly means, Ryuu." Lucifer softly said, "Something living —pulsating— with emotion and memories, not the frivolous things humanity trifles itself with."

Ryuu frowned, Ciel had won every single challenge so either the blunette was that good or Lucifer had already chosen his successor.


After Ryuu left, Ciel was following Lucifer out to the garden.

Waiting for them at the small tea table was the woman who had pointed out where the apple had been.

"Ciel, meet my mate, Lilith." Lucifer introduced

The Queen of Hell gave him a polite smile, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Ciel."


Ciel blinked, one moment his mind in the present with Lucifer snd Lilith and the next he was mentally six years old sitting in the garden with his mother.

Countess Rachel Phantomhive was just as sickly and prone to ills as her son.

But, she did not let that stop her from her hobby of gardening.

Unlike other noblewomen who were unlikely to perform any hard work, Rachel had forbidden the gardeners from touching her personal flowerbed except to weed it.

"Why do you take care of the flowers, mummy?" Ciel had asked

The blonde woman had smiled and kissed his forehead, "It is very important to have something to look forward to, baby. Even though all the silver roses are sleeping, we have to keep their home nice for them so when they come back in winter they are healthy."

"Oh. Why do they only come out in winter?" The little boy asked

The smile never left her face, "Because no one can be here forever, one day when you are all grown up you will be Earl."

"I do not want to be Earl, mummy, I want to own a toy store in London." He replied

"Hopefully you won't have to be Earl for a long, long time when mummy and daddy are very old." Rachel replied, stroking his bangs out of his sapphire eyes, "That way you can be a toy maker while you wait your turn to be Earl. By then you would have had your fun, you and Lizzy will be married and maybe you will even have some babies of your own."

Ciel blew out raspberries, "Girls are yucky, mummy."

Rachel laughed a bit, "Maybe now, but you will like them better when you are bigger."


Rachel had been wrong, Ciel never became attracted to women, just as her hopeful plan had been wrong.

But her lesson had stuck true: always have something to look forward to.

Currently, for him, that was becoming Prince.

What he really wanted fo know was what they were looking forward to.

Lilith had helped him win, why?

Did Lucifer know? Maybe he did not since she was acting like she had not helped him.

"It is an honor to meet you as well, your majesty." Ciel replied, shaking her hand

Within a few minutes, they were all having tea together, but Ciel's mind never stopped churning over his question...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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