The Test of Greed...

314 22 5

Narrator's POV

A week of nothing passed until one afternoon, the five potential heirs were called into the throne room.

"Hello." Lucifer greeted, sat upon his throne

The five demons greeted him in return, waiting to be told what to do.

"I figured I might as well make this challenge a bit fun." The devil began, "So instead of using your brains for this test, you'll be using your skills in this scavenger hunt."

Ciel's blue eyebrow rose slightly, curious to whether the hunt would encompass just the palace or the entering for Hell.

"The rules are simple: whoever collects the most items win, whoever gets the least loses." Lucifer explained, "In the case of a tie, another object will be added to the list."

The fallen Angel then snapped, making a sheet of paper appear in their hands.

Ciel immediately began to read his, it read:

"1. The apple bitten by Adam and Eve that caused them to be banished from Eden.

2. The blade Cain used to commit fratricide.

3. The crown of thorns worn by Jesus when he was crucified.

4. Wood from Noah's Ark.

5. The first drop of sunlight.

6. Lucifer's corseque."

In the fraction of a second it took each demon to read the list, they then ran out of the room and into Hell.


The blunette decided to look for the sixth item, Lucifer's corseque, since he would bet everyone else was looking for the apple since it was at the top of the list.

He also knew how precious that weapon was to the king, so Ciel doubted it was far.

So, once he was certain the others were gone, he circled back to the castle and began looking around there.

The pride demon searched all over the palace, searching every room he could and eventually he made his way to the garden.

Ciel looked upon all the flowers and trees and lo and behold, hidden among the branches of a birch tree was the silver corseque.

Grabbing it, the former Earl then began to leave the garden when he heard someone speak close by.

Turning around, Ciel saw a woman with lavender eyes and strawberry blonde hair pulled up into a messy bun.

She wore a mint green sweater over a white dress shirt, also wearing light washed blue jeans and white sneakers.

The mysterious woman pressed a black-tipped finger to her pink lips as if telling him to be quiet and then with her other hand pointed to a nearby cherry blossom tree.

There, he saw a glimmer and approached it.

It was a apple made of gold with two bites on it, revealing the corrupted black fruit hidden under the skin.

Looking back to where the woman had been standing, Ciel found her missing.

Knowing he likely wouldn't find anything else, the blunette then began to walk back towards the throne room with his spoils.


It didn't take long for the others to arrive.

Ryuu, the wrath demon, wore the crown of thorns upon his black haired head, holding a plank of wood in his arms.

Greed demon Anake held a blade made of carved animal bones that had a leather hilt.

Lycus, the gluttony demon, held a vial containing a golden drop.

And poor lust demon, Sirvart, —or luckily in everyone else's case— held nothing, unable to retrieve anything.

"It seems we have a tie." Lucifer commented as all the potential princes gathered around him, "And a definite loser."

All eyes looked to Sirvart, knowing she was a dead woman walking.

And just like that, Lucifer snapped his fingers.

The losing demon gasped out in pain, her green eyes wide as she was killed.

Her body crumpled to the floor, her blonde hair sprayed all over the tile.

Lucifer then brought his hands together, "Now, Ryuu and Ciel, it is time for our tie-breaker. I want you both to look around all of Hell and bring me the most precious thing you can find. Whoever brings the most valuable thing wins."


Ciel was deep in thought as he left the the throne room once again.

Lucifer wanted him to find something precious.

What could that possibly be?

Demons could summon and conjure all the riches of the world with a mere snap.

Materialistic goods meant little to their kind when all they truly desired were the souls they ate.

Perhaps he had meant something personally valuable?

If so, then Ciel had very limited options.

To be exact, he had four things.

The first two were the Phantomhive signet and lordship rings.

The third was the wedding ring Sebastian had given him when they had become mates: a white gold ring with an amethyst, a sapphire and a ruby on it that had the words "My Lord, My Love, My Life" engraved on it.

The final one was a tiny painting he had.

It was one of the very few things that had survived the fire of the first manor.

The edges were burnt and it had drops of blood all over, but it was the only item Ciel had of his parents.

The painting featured his mother and father, himself snd Sebastian the dog all sat together in the manor.

Ciel was not willing to part with any of those items so either he needed another idea or would need to magically make a replica.


Going up to his bedroom in the palace, Ciel found Sebastian on their bed reading a book.

"How did the challenge go?" The older demon inquired, shutting the book

Ciel gave a shrug, "It's not over, I'm in the tie-breaker right now."

"Would you like my assistance?" The crimson-eyed demon asked

"You know you're not allowed to help me." The blunette replied

Sebastian looked at him, a slight smirk playing on his face, "When have the rules ever stopped you before? It's technically not cheating unless we are caught."

Ciel rolled his eyes, "Oh shut up. Where's my photo album?"

The former butler stood and opened their closet, pulling out a small box and opening it.

From that, he pulled out a large and thick album that was stuffed with photos taken over this past century and a half.

Ciel then flipped it to the very first page, seeing the painting he desired...

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