Zak Bagans Pt.1

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I've been working as a tour guide at The Winchester Mansion for a good five years now. Yeah sure we have the occasional ghost running around this labyrinth but none of what goes on here has really bothered me after one of my co-workers scared the shit out of me on the first day with a cliché jumpscare. Now I just expect something to happen.

It was a normal day walking around with a tour group when Megan ran up to me and squealed like a little school girl. "OH MY GOSH Y/N! Guess who is returning to the Winchester Mansion tomorrow!?" Megan began to jump up and down, frantically waving her arms. "Uh, George Clooney?" I said a bit confused as to why she would be so excited cause she never acts like this at this hour in the morning. She gives me a hard slap on the shoulder. "No girl! Zak Bagans and his crew from ghost adventures are coming back!" I rub my arm  and give her a stern look. "Ow, I don't see the big deal they're just another film crew coming to investigate the house like so many before them." I rolled my eyes and continued the tour.

It was finally time to close up shop when I heard someone whisper my name in my ear. "Megan?" I shouted. "Yeah? What is it?" I look over the desk to see her sitting in the parlor on her phone smacking her gum. "Something just whispered my name in my ear." A shiver ran down my spine and my body got really cold. I felt something grab my shoulders and I jumped out of the chair knocking it over causing Megan to yelp at the loud noise. "Y/n you alright? You look a little pale." I tear my gaze from the chair to Megan then back to the chair. "Something touched me, before it was just you guys scaring me and now I think something else is trying to grab my attention." I gathered my courage and just shrugged it off, I'm going to keep my cool get my job done then go the fuck home.

Today was finally my day off, I got to relax and sit on my back porch and look out at the field that sits behind my small cottage when I got a call from Megan. "Hey y/n, Zak and the team are here, I told them what happened last night and they want to interview you." I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose and leaned forward in the chair. "What time do they want me over?" I take a look at the clock, it read 5:51pm "They said if you could make it over here now that'd be awesome." Megan's tone sounded flirtatious and that wasn't good for anyone if they are in her line of sight. She's a hopeless romantic, I am too just not as bad as she is. "Yeah, tell them I'll be there in an hour." We hang up and I rub my face to wake myself up and go get dressed. I get a text saying I need to dress decent then it goes on about how attractive Zak is in person. I roll my eyes and put on my ripped jeans by that I mean they are the only pair of casual pants I have and they are ripped open from mid-thigh to my knee but who cares I'm not staying the night anyways, shirt and converse and walk out the door scratching my dog Beau behind the ear as I leave.

I pull up to the house and see a swat team of vehicles and a bus in the parking lot including Megan's porche. Getting out of my car I grab my adrenalin energy drink and walk to the house. I walk by a few tables filled with electronics and computers slowly making my way inside. Upon opening the door I run into someone and lose my balance falling into their arms. "Shit I'm so sorry I-" I look up to see a pair of brilliant sapphire eyes staring back at me, his attire was all black with a few tattoos poking out, his jawline was as sharp as glass, he has muscular arms and his lips were slightly parted like he was going to say something. "Dude you alri- Zak?" To my right was a man with a camera and mic pack in his hands. We let go of each other and I brush off my shirt, gripping my drink a little tighter. "I'm good Aaron. You must be Y/n, your friend was telling us about your experience you had last night." I take a drink and nod my head. "It was a little terrifying honestly I've been working here for five years and nothing like that had ever happened to me." The man now known as Zak was staring at me, I hate it when people stare so I went into defense mode. "Can I help you?" He shook his head and went into the parlor calling for Aaron and Nick to follow. "I like you, maybe you can knock some sense into Zak's head during the interview." Aaron gave me a pat on the shoulder and walked away. God these men are like two feet taller than me, what do they fucking eat?

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