chapter five | 5.

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August 12th, 1971

The last ten months flew by in a migraine inducing blur. Every other day had Maia and Alphard at Grimmauld Place. While Alphard was in his office working with the Ministry, Maia was usually downstairs in the living room with Walburga and Druella getting her lessons. It was weird to Maia, now knowing what she did, how much of it she picked up over her years at Hogwarts without knowing.

Hermione Granger occasionally saw Daphne Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson, Tracy Davis and Millicent Bulstrode eat in the Great Hall but she never noticed how they ate. That's a lie. She noticed but she never.. Realized that how they ate was because it was ingrained into them since they were born.

Over the ten months, Maia was taught everything there was to know about table etiquette, (In the company of others, you are to wait for the Head of house to eat first. While you are at school, you are to wait for your male classmates to eat first.) courting etiquette, (Your Father, as the head of house will be in contact with various families for your marriage contract when Alphard starts getting requests to court you. You are to be a virgin for your husband, Pureblood men will expect nothing less than a blushing virgin bride!) tea party and hosting etiquette along with anything else she should know as a Pureblood.

Along with knowing those 'small' things, Maia was taught to walk and balance with books on her head, how to walk in a straight line, how to dance, and how to properly curtsy.

Aunt Walburga had taught her how to properly bathe herself- Alphard mentioned that every morning she was to take a full shower, but Walburga spoke differently.

"Your Father is a dolt. As a young girl, there is simply no need for you to take a full shower every day. Not only will that dry out your skin, but also your hair. Unless you are on your monthly, I highly recommend not bathing every single day. If you must, avoid washing and conditioning your hair. He is right, however, you will need to shave and exfoliate often. Hair is not permitted on a woman's legs or underarms."

Aunt Druella also took her aside to mention some other 'womanly' things that had Maia completely mortified. "Ladies my age never had to do this, but as I'm learning with Bellatrix, the dear girl shares a tad too much with her dear mother, girls your age choose to shave another part of their body. Bella said that it's completely up to the man, however. She hears things from older women, you know."

If Hermione Granger had known that Bellatrix had tips and tricks up her sleeves for grooming her privates, she may had seriously thought twice about coming to the 1970's.

While Maia was at Grimmauld Place every other day, not the entire day was spent dedicated to her lessons. She had also taken a liking to Sirius and his younger brother Regulus.

That August morning had Maia waking up to a click click click at her bedroom window. She groaned loudly, grumpy as being woken up. Maia sat up and glared at the stupid owl that was pecking at her window. A second later, Maia noticed the Hogwarts sigil on the envelope the owl was carrying. She pushed the bedding off of her and rushed to the window, fumbling to open it and tossed a treat toward the Hogwarts owl before grabbing the letter.

She screamed in happiness. She knew she'd get her letter, of course she did. But it was still an amazing feeling to have it in her hand. Her acceptance letter to Hogwarts. It was here!

Maia rushed to her wardrobe, throwing a black skirt on with a pretty purple blouse, she tugged on her stockings and matching flats. She hurriedly went through brushing her teeth and hair before running downstairs with the letter in hand.

"Father! Father, I got it! I got my letter! Father!" She yelled, running down the multiple hallways and staircases before rushing into the dining room panting. Ten months in a home really makes one memorize their surroundings, not only that but living in a Manor the size of hers made one quite fit. "My letter! Father, I got it!"

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