Chapter 5

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Cassia's POV

"I really don't know about this..." I remark softly as I pull uncomfortably at the hem of the super short, super tight dress that I'm wearing.  I have never in my life worn anything so revealing.  I feel as though I might as well be naked.  So much skin is already showing anyways.  The dress barely covers my ass and is backless.  It fits like a second skin and is a pretty, shimmery rose-gold color. 

Staring into the full-length mirror, I continue to fidget as I wobble in my four-inch heels.  "Oh come on Cas!" Elena whines from where she is sitting on the edge of my bed.  "You look hot!  Xander's eyes will literally bug out of his head when he sees you!" she exclaims with a huge grin that I witness through her reflection in the mirror.

"I agree!  You are smokin' in that dress!  You will have men eating out of the palm of your hand and Xander will definitely want to lay claim!" Isa chimes in just as excitedly as Elena.

I roll my eyes at her and her grin widens.  My lips purse together as I tilt my head, continuing to stare and debate on my attire.  Admittedly, I do look quite sexy in it.  My curves are accentuated and my legs look longer with the tall heels.  My black hair is styled in voluptuous curls that are pulled up to show off my bare back.  Soft tendrils frame my face where Isa and Elena have already done my make up.  My brown eyes look bigger and brighter and my lips appear shiny and plump.  I have a pretty glow that I have never had before.

Finally, I let out a huff of defeat.  I may not feel comfortable in this outfit, but they are right.  If I don't catch Xander's attention looking like this, then there is no hope for us.  Turning around to them, I hold my hands out to the side as though telling them to take one last look.  "You look perfect!  Let's head out!" Isa squeals.

"Wait wait!" Elena shouts as she jumps to her feet.  "Let me link Carlos first!"

We both give her silent nods before her eyes glaze over.  Just a moment later they clear and she gives us a big toothy grin.  "Okay, we can go now."

I quickly grab the small wristlet that holds my cell and other necessities and we walk out of my room, locking the door behind us.  As the three of us walk down the hallway towards the elevator, I notice that we are getting a lot of stares from the male wolves we pass.  I can't say I blame them.  Isa and Elena are looking gorgeous as well, Isa with her red, a-line mini dress and Elena in her black body-con dress. 

As we reach the lift from one direction, three tall figures come from another.  I look up and see Xander's eyes roaming over my body hungrily as they start at my feet and slowly travel to my face, sending shivers up my spine.  "Hey ladies!" Carlos states with a smug smile.  "Where are you guys off to?"

"We're taking Cassia out for a girls' night," Elena answers her brother with a smirk.  They seem to be enjoying this.  Xander hasn't taken his eyes off me, but at Elena's words his brows furrow.

"You're not going out like that," he says firmly.

My eyes widen, not sure how to react.  Part of me is annoyed at him trying to control me when he has been ignoring me since I got to Crescent City.  The other part of me is happy that it seems like he actually does care about me in some way.  I mean, if he didn't, he wouldn't care about what I wear out, right?  Before I have the chance to figure out how to respond, Isa chimes in, "Why not?  She looks amazing!  Doesn't she?"  Her tone is somehow both accusatory and leading as I watch Xander's jaw clench.

"Got that damn right!" Carlos agrees with a smile.  He then leans towards me a bit and adds in a softer, more serious voice, "You look gorgeous Cas."

Heat instantly spreads up me as it causes my cheeks to flush.  At the same time, Xander growls lowly as he yanks Carlos away from me so that Xander is standing between us.  He turns to shoot Carlos a withering glare, but Carlos remains unaffected as he gives my mate a smug smirk.  Before Xander has the chance to put up anymore of a fight Elena exclaims, "Well boys!  It's been fun, but we gotta go!  Adios!"

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