Dangerously Deceiving Diary

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"You have fun watching Potter." I teased Ginny. It was the morning of the Quidditch game. Anya and Ginny were on the way to the Pitch and I was heading to the library. She turned red and stuck her tongue out. Anya dragged her away and I entered the library chuckling to myself. I found a prime spot near a window by the back of the library. The sun shone down onto the table perfectly. Today I decided to focus on the third year elective classes. I had already eliminated Muggle Studies and Divination. I knew I wanted to take Ancient Runes., I was just unsure about the rest.

I had just started studying when I heard a throat clear. I looked up and saw a tall copper hair boy, who looked very familiar. His Hufflepuff robes were proudly displayed. "May I join you?" He smiled and I nodded and gestured to an empty seat. He nodded appreciatively and sat down. Getting out his fourth year books he started some homework. I hadn't stopped staring at him. "You do know that admiring my good-looks won't actually get your schoolwork done." He teased, not glancing up from his parchment. I turned a bright red and scuffled to get me parchment out and start again.

"What are you even doing here Cedric? I thought that you'd want to check out Slytherins new brooms, being Hufflepuff's star seeker and all?" I asked, glancing up at him time from time.

"Well I need to do homework too." He said with a smile. "Plus my team is down there taking notes on the teams." We both started doing our work. After an hour we started talking again, he was impressed that I was already looking at third-year books. He suggested to figure out what career I would want to go in to help me choose what third elective to take.

"What you want to do?" I asked.

"I'm not completely certain, but I was thinking a healer. My dad really wants me to be a professional Quidditch player or follow him into the ministry, but I don't think that's the life I want to live."

"You should go for it. Do what you want to do. If you play cards right, you may find that you know someone who knows the Head of the Janus Thickery ward at Saint Mungos. That someone may be willing to put in a great word for you."

"Really!" His face lit up. "I will definitely start thinking more about it and will take that 'someone' up on their offer." He smiled brilliantly and I smiled back. I broke eye contact and we both started our work again.

Suddenly a very loud growl echoed through our area. My eyes widened and Cedric let out a laugh that had Madam Pince over shushing us. "Sounds like you're hungry." He quietly laughed, a smile taking up his entire face.

"I didn't even realize how late it is. They match must've ended hours ago!" I grabbed my stuff and bid Cedric ado. I ran down to the Great Hall, thankfully the feast was only half-way over. I sat down next to Ginny with a plop.

"Why didn't you come get me when the match ended?" I asked while piling my plate high with food.

"Well I was, but someone was having a bit too much fun with a certain copper-haired Hufflepuff." Ginny said wiggling her eyebrows. She look way to pleased.

"Well- I- we were just talking!" I spluttered

"Uh-uh." Ginny said, a sly smile on her face. "Payback is so sweet!" She giggled, she was looking a bit better. I rolled my eyes and looked over at the Slytherin table. I saw Anya sitting there, she looked up and we made eye contact. A smirk overtook her face as she looked over at someone at the entrance of the Great Hall. I looked over and saw Cedric enter, he smiled at me then went over to his house table. Anya made kissy faces and I rolled my eyes at her, going back to my food.

"Speaking of which, how did the match go?" I asked, I'm pretty sure Gryffindor won since everyone (except the Slytherins) were in a good mood.

"We won, naturally-" Ginny started a huge smile on her face, which then turned to a grimace, "Harry got hurt, naturally." Ginny finished with a roll of her chocolate brown eyes. Ginny told me the whole story, about how a bludger had been bewitched and was trying to kill Harry. It apparently broke his arm, although he still managed to catch the snitch of course. However after the match, Lockhart went to heal Harry's arm and managed to vanish all the bones in Harry's arm, so he's in the hospital wing until they're regrown. Why in the world would you ever let that man near you, let alone perform magic on you?

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