Lending A Hand

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"Open your mouth." Jane said to me. "I didn't do anything to the food. Or the drink, for that matter. Come on." she says. I was confused as to why she was acting all offended about my hesitance, after being held against my will and blindfolded. Exactly how did she think I supposed to know the food wasn't poisoned, when I can't see? I bite my tongue, but think of something else to say. "You wanted me to see you so bad before, but now that I'm here, you don't wanna show yourself?"
She giggled. "Why you wanna see me so bad? I look fucking good, you'll just have to trust me on that. Trust in a relationship is good. If you don't have trust, you don't have shit." she says. I scrunched my face up. "How do you expect me to trust you, but you don't trust me? If you look as good as you claim, then it's obvious I'd stay on my own, right?" I challenged. She sucked her teeth in response, but then gently grabbed my chin. I felt something else too— must've been her nails. Against my own judgement, I started to smile. That's probably one of the easiest ways to get me to do whatever is asked of me. Those who knew that about me, used that tactic as often as they could. Before I knew it, I opened my mouth. What I tasted was a piece of steak that was perfectly cooked and seasoned. "How is it?" I chew and swallow, but the smile hadn't yet gone away. I think I felt a bit silly that I was so concerned about how dangerous she was. I mean, she was a nutcase for sure, but all she wanted to do was feed me.
I suppress a giggle when I reply.
"It's good, but Jane, if you wanted to cook for me, you could have gone about it in a less extreme way." I hear the fork clinking against the plate. "Extreme is my middle name. It's what I do. Open." she said, cheerfully. I oblige her and she puts some macaroni and cheese in my mouth. "Wow, that's really good." I say. "I know." she said. After a few more minutes of feeding me food, she asks me what flavor of cake I like. "Vanilla." I answer, and from there she feeds me a piece of cake. Apparently I had some frosting left on my lips, as Jane felt it pertinent to lick it off and pull me into a kiss. I wasn't into all that. I don't know, I guess the fact that I was being held against my will probably had something to do with it. "Jane, Jane." I said, pulling away. I needed to say something, to distract her. "You did all this just to see me? That's... sweet. Extreme, but sweet." I figure I could get her to let me go if I have a nice conversation with her.
"See, I knew you'd like it." she replied.
"Lemme ask you something."
"Last question." she warns.
"What's going through your mind?" I asked. I had to know. Did she think that everything she put me, as well as herself through, was worth it? She sighs. "I know you think you're a therapist 'cause you listen to people whine all day, but that reflective bullshit is not gonna work on me." she said, clearly irritated with that question. I furrowed my eyebrows. She knew what I did for a living? Hmm... now she really had the wheels in my brain, turning. I guess my job wasn't really a secret, I guess it makes sense that she would know about it. Sometimes I likened myself to a therapist, because I did often have to sit through sob stories and offer advice. I didn't say it out loud very often, though. I probably said it to people who may have found it difficult to vent to me. It's a tactic I use to make people more comfortable with me. Maybe she was one of those people. I mean, it would fit the circumstances. I recalled her saying she wanted to see me again in some of her letters. So I'd probably gotten extra personal with her... probably even sexual. If that was the case, why couldn't I remember her?
"Either you answer, or I get to ask another question." I say.
"Who knew you'd be so irritating?" she asked, almost under her breath. "Sorry, I don't get kidnapped often. Just a little nervous." I said, in a mocking tone. Just then I feel an itchy sensation around my eyes. I groan in frustration. "Can you please remove whatever is on my face, from off my damn eyes? I feel like I'm in Bird Box." She giggles.

"Yeah, 'cause I want you to see my face when I cum." she says. I chuckle incredulously. She wanted sex? Well, I wasn't going to be going for that anyway, but today she probably wouldn't even want to. It's that time of that month for me. " You picked a hell of a day to do all this. I'm on my period. Sorry you wasted your time. Now go ahead, and let me go. I've already said I won't say anything, so you're safe."
"A period don't stop shit but a sentence. Grow up."
I scrunched my face up once again. "Let me go, you damn vampire. All this was semi-cute before, but I'm not playing with your ass no more. Let me go!" I exclaimed. Before I can yell some more, I feel a wet rag covering my nose and struggle to breathe.

I was awaken to the sound of Jane's voice. She keeps kissing me, and I was too tired to resist. I knew I had to come up with a new game plan to get out of here. Before, I was hoping that someone would come to save me, but I knew I was my best bet at this point. I then had an idea. I would have to play along with Jane. I would have to get her in a vulnerable enough state, so I could make my move and get the fuck outta here.

Now is when I notice I was actually laid completely out, with all four of my limbs tied up to the bed. The bed was soft and made completely up. I was now naked, though, and there was a towel under my lower half. I guessed she had dragged me into the tub while I was knocked out. At this point, I was just thankful that I was still alive. I think my adrenaline was going. It felt like showtime. Jane was still gently peppering my face with kisses. "Careful, baby." I said, in between hisses. I figured a little sweet talk would help me sound more convincing.
She moved back to my lips and this time, I could feel her hair tickle my face. "You ready for the reveal?" she asked. "Been ready." I remark, almost with an attitude. Jane giggles and finally removes the cloth from around my face. It took a minute for my eyes to adjust, but when it did I was amazed by what I saw.

I find myself staring in some big, brown eyes. They looked to be dark brown, although I could clearly distinguish her irises from the pupil. She had a smoky eye look going on. My eyes travel down to her nose. It was what one would call a button nose. I could see a bit of gold makeup on the tip of her nose. Then I get to her red lips and notice how she's currently biting them; clearly enamored with what she sees. She laughs at me. "You like what you see, baby?" she asks. Her juicy curls moved with her as she repositioned herself to caress her own body. That's when I notice her red stiletto nails. "It's all for you." she tells me, her voice dripping with seduction.
My eyes travel to her body. She was a small girl, but she still had extra weight in all the right places. She had on a fancy black bodycon dress on. She made sure that her breasts were damn near popping out of the dress. When I look back at her face, I realized where I knew her from.

She was the girl from the movies!

Micki Wall, Matchmaker. (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now