Chapter 6

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The brothers sat huddled round the fire. Abishai spoke first. "What shall we do, the men won't follow me and the king will throw me in the dungeon if I do not pursue Sheba."
Joab started nodding his head and answered. "I have a plan. You will wear my uniform and helmet, the uniform of a Commander-in-chief. That way, if anyone reports back to King David, you will seem to be in charge of the army. I will wear an ordinary soldier's uniform but will secretly advise all my trusted men that I am leading the army and they must follow my command. If my plan succeeds, you will evade the king's punishment and we will capture Sheba son of Bikri. Perhaps the king will be so delighted with the outcome, he will reinstate me."

While the brothers were still scheming, a sentry interrupted them with the news that a small army was marching towards their campsite. Both brothers were surprised. Who could this be. Joab summoned 3 of his spies with instructions to intercept the vanguard of the approaching army and find out if they were friend or foe. Also what exactly was their business here.

Amasa had eventually managed to rally a few hundred men to support his cause. He received a message from his mother saying that he had exceeded the allotted time and the king was angry. Not knowing of the King's alternate arrangements with Abishai, Abigail had advised her son to go directly to Gibeon and subpoena the main army to join him and introduce himself as newly appointed Commander-in-chief.

Joab's men returned with a very confusing report: The small army was led by Amasa who claimed to be the newly appointed General of the King's army. He was on his way to capture Sheba as instructed by the king and had come to introduce himself to the rest of the army and mobilise them to join him. The brothers looked at each other again, in utter bewilderment. Joab, who was used to making quick decisions, summed up the situation and said he would take care of the problem. He walked out to meet Amasa's army. Inside he was dare David give his post to Amasa. Only recently they were fighting each other, when Amasa was Absalom's Commander-in-chief. Now he was expected to hand over his army to some whippersnapper with very little or no experience. That was never going to happen. He was wearing an ordinary soldiers outfit, so their was something missing. He quickly ran back to his tent and fastened his battle belt around his waist. The belt, amongst other items, supported his favourite knife. It's ten inch blade was honed to razor blade sharpness. He pulled his tunic over the belt to conceal the weapon. He ran back to the road and was just in time to meet Amasa and his men.

Amasa saw Joab come running so he halted his column. They were a little way from the camp entrance. Joab called and said, "Welcome nephew of the King. Dismount and stretch your legs. Come walk with me."
Amasa, recognising Joab, but seeing he was in ordinary soldiers uniform, thought that nothing was amiss. He dismounted and walked towards Joab leading his horse. When he came to within an arm's length of Joab, Joab put his arms around him and pulled him to one side. The horse followed suit, thus now standing across the road. Using the horse to shield their bodies from the view of the stationary column, Joab took hold of Amasa's beard and pulling him towards him, kissed him. While so embraced, the conniving brother drew his knife, and with a circular motion, sliced open Amasa's stomach. His intestines spilled to the ground. Joab pulled out his knife for a second blow but there was no need. Amasa sank, dead, to the ground. Joab, still using the horse for cover, ran into the camp. The two newly appointed commanders who rode behind the newly appointed General, saw Amasa sink to the ground and slowly moved forward to investigate. Fortunately, Abishai had been standing at the entrance to the camp and had witnessed the foul deed. He ran to the body and dragged it into the adjoining field, covering it with his cloak. When the commanders arrived he smiled sheepishly and explained. "I know this doesn't look good but I will explain shortly. Please bring your men into the camp out of the hot sun. Assemble them in the centre of the camp. I wish to address them there."

While the column moved into the camp, Abishai found Joab. "What were you thinking, brother. How will I explain this? It seems I must continually remedy your undisciplined actions."

Abishai climbed the makeshift podium and looked across the sea of faces. He began, "I'm sure you are all wondering about the unfortunate course of events that have just occurred. The main reason is a miscommunication between the palace and the field. The king ordered the young man, who brought you here, to seek extra men for his army due to a large number of deserters. I have just returned from the king, with a signed injunction, stating that I am the new Commander-in-chief of this army. Unfortunately the young commander erroneously thought that he was to be Commander-in-chief. On arrival today, and hearing that he was not to lead the army, he became aggressive and vowed to take my life. My bodyguard, who met him outside the camp tried to appease him. A struggle ensued and the young commander was fatally injured. A detachment of men will be despatched with his body. They will return the body to his family in Jerusalem."

Abishai took a long swig from a water bottle offered him by one of his aides.
He waited till all the murmerings had died down. He continued,
"But now to more pressing matters. You all signed up to support your king. If you did not sign up for that reason, I suggest you leave with the young commander's body and go back to your homes. Those that remain will become part of the King's army. Tomorrow we march out to pursue Sheba son of Bikri, the king's enemy. Eat and sleep well, for tomorrow we are at war."

Later, when the brothers were alone, Joab said to Abishai, "Well my brother, maybe I will have to kill you also!"
Puzzled, Abishai replied,"How so?"
Joab continued, "After a speech like the one you gave earlier, I think my post is again in jeopardy. You certainly know how to coat your lies in honey."
Abishai just smiled.
Joab got up to leave. At the tent flap, he turned and faced his brother.
"Sleep well and...."

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