Epilogue 1 of 2

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[Epilogue 1]

"Why the hell are you smiling so much?" Shayley asked as Cal practically skipped down to the dungeon now that the City was all back in one piece with Cal's city editing skills. "I also don't know how I feel about you being so excited about seeing another woman! Speaking of which, when are we going to have our wedding?"

"I'm smiling because I think I've come up with a way to end the war and more importantly because we are getting married in two days." Cal answered as he opened the door to the dungeon and held it open for Shayley.

"Two days!" Shayley nearly tripped at the news.

"I mean we could do it tomorrow, but it's a little short notice besides the Hanging city will only be visible for another week at most before the concealing magic kicks in." Cal said.

Shayley followed him into the main section of the dungeon. "You have some kind of pacing, babe but it's nice to be moving forward with you again. Let's get this over with and then talk about the wedding."

"God, I love you, Shay." Cal hopped. "But first let's talk to Charli-chan. You and me, Us, together, like a team, this is a great feeling." Cal turned around and gave Shayley a kiss on the cheek. Then he skipped as he found his way to the cell that housed two people in question he needed to talk to.

"Heyo!" Cal said as he hopped in front of the only occupied cell in the nearly refurbished dungeon. Two powerful fox girls stood guard dutifully with dangerous smiles on their faces as their many tails wagged eagerly.

"Welcome, your Majesties." The fox girls bowed respectfully, and Cal waved them at ease as he addressed the girls in the cell.

"Sorry about the accommodations ladies, we had an emergency and had to put you somewhere." Cal apologized to Charli and Batsy.

"We are prisoners, so what now?" Charli sighed when she stood up from a cot.

"Let's just say that I'm here... to make a deal." Cal said as he snapped his fingers and the bars in front of the cage disappeared into the floor.

"Before that, may I ask one thing?" Charli met his gaze.

"Certainly. I'm sure that we have much to talk about." Cal bowed with an exaggerated flourish.

"Are you really Captain Scourge the Red and the Guildmaster Cal of the infamous Pearly City who fought off the combined might of the War Guilds, and is it really true that you refused to fight Christine multiple times?" Charli asked.

"Guilty. I've been avoiding Christine for almost my entire career. It started when I sunk her fleet when she got in the way of one of my first raids before I knew that there was no friendly fire toggle. Then when I finally escaped to the Pearly City, she still wouldn't stop beating down my door. She's like a bad penny." Cal rolled his eyes. "But..."

"But?" Charli asked.

"...It doesn't mean I hate her, which is where you come in." Cal grinned.

"I'm not about to betray her for you." Charli stood her ground.

"Perfect, because I need your help in saving her life. I need Christine to owe me a favor." Cal said.

"And why would I help you?"

"Because I have a title that you'll find very interesting. I don't know how far up the Chain Christine has climbed but I... happen to be the God of Death... and respawn." Cal winked.

"Re...spawn?" Charli's eyes bulged.

"I've finally worked out the kinks. But more importantly, I don't want to see you nor Christine dead. At least permanently if we can start working out our differences." Cal winked.

Tales of the Pearly Kingdom Continued... [Pearly Tales Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now