Two | I don't like social gatherings.✅

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It was now lunchtime, and I was heading towards the lunch area. I brought my lunch and I sat at an empty table. I started to eat as I popped out my smartphone and I went scrolling down into Instagram.

"Hey, Pragati." A voice interrupted me. I looked up and I saw Surya. He smiled as he took a seat beside me.

Surya laughed. He had an infectious laugh that ends with a snort."Can't believe we survived the first day already." He puffed out his cheeks and expels the air in a short burst.

We both in conversation when we heard a throat clear. We both turned to see no other than that basketball boy Parth glaring at Surya.   

"Oh, hi Parth, "Surya said awkwardly as he sat back up in his chair and I rolled my eyes. 

"Maths teacher is calling you," Parth informed him.

"What? Yay fine, Okay!" Surya said as he stood up.

"Bye Pragati." Surya smiled and I smiled back.

As Surya went, Parth grabbed his seat in front of me. He leaned forward, elbows on his knees and his hands clasped together."So, Pragati tells me you liked our college, huh?" He leaned over to the table against me and links his thumb together.

"Yup, it is good so far."

I couldn't help but see that Parth did have a very nice body. His muscles were noticeable under his tight plain black T-shirt. We round the corner and we met by the curious gazes of someone when I put out my eyes back from Parth to the girl it was Shubhi.

Shubhi pulled up in front of us, passing me from having to respond. The disapproving look on her face made me immediately tense. She lifted her glasses to the top of her head, pushing back her shoulder-length brown hair as she glared at Parth."So, what are you talking with my sister?"

"Nothing, I was just asking her whether she liked the college so far or not," he said and smirked at me. I caught his smirk and put a subtle smile on my face.

But it was like, Shubhi didn't like my smile at that time. It was quite an awkward situation between her and Parth.

It was like, Heated glances. Cold shoulders.

She was side glancing and Ignoring him.

Then, she ignored me while giving him a death glare and moved out of the canteen with her hips swaying with her sassy ponytail.

And you know what?

That Parth didn't hesitate to move a little.


When she got out of his sight, he moved his position and settle properly on the chair by stretching his arms above his head and his legs were touching mine under the table
and then, he looked at me weirdly.

We looked at each other hesitantly, it was looking there was something between my sister and him. Anyways, Does it matter to me?

My phone vibrated to replace the awkwardness and I hadn't checked the phone while sitting with this guy. I had to move my way out of this canteen to another class.

I put the schedule out of my bag and checked my next lecture, it was English. So, without saying a word
I set my bag down on the counter with a heavy sigh.

It had been a weird start, to say at least.


I faintly heard the bell. I pulled myself out of the seat and went to find Shubhi.

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