viii. Third Wheeling

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eight third wheeling

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eight third wheeling

Lucy ended up seeing a lot more of Cedric than she realised after the first task, which was a bit ironic, really, because before when she'd been desperate to find the boy and tell him about the dragons, he'd always seemed to be anywhere but wherever she was. Now, it was as if he was everywhere she was, just by coincidence.

Now, she'd be lying if she said she wasn't slightly suspicious with him all of a sudden appearing out of the blue to casually chat to her. Obviously her first few thoughts trailed back to him trying to get any information out of her for the second task, since she'd managed to provide him with some for the first. And Lucy would be more weary, but the thing was, she had no idea what the clue in the golden egg was implying - so it wasn't even like she could accidentally let slip a bit of key information to help him win. She had literally nothing to give him - so, there was no harm in befriending him at this moment in the tournament, was there?

After all, it was company for when they wanted to gather the champions together. Lucy was a strong believer in the fact that friends make everything a lot easier - and the Tri-Wizard Tournament was anything but easy.

Anyways, it turned out that on this particular day, the blonde girl had a free period, since, unlike all three of her friends, she didn't take either Art or Music (she's never been great in those areas), and those were the subjects currently being taught in the Beauxbatons Carriage. Normally, she'd head back to her room and perhaps read a book, or sort out her makeup box that had somehow become so messy. But the girl decided to do something different, today - and headed up to the Hogwarts castle for a wander. It was funny, really - she'd lived here for a couple months, now, and yet there were still new paintings or statues she'd discover, and would take her by surprise. Hey - just because she can't do art, doesn't mean she can't admire it, okay?

And well, funnily enough, as if the universe had some kind of prepared joke in which the two Champions happened to meet almost too coincidentally, Lucy ended up finding a lonesome Cedric Diggory, wandering aimlessly through the halls. His expression brightened at the sight of Beauxbatons girl.

GOLDEN GIRL ━ CEDRIC DIGGORY Where stories live. Discover now