x. Christmas At Hogwarts

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chapter ten  christmas at hogwarts

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chapter ten christmas at hogwarts

THE YULE BALL was nearing. Christmas had arrived much too quickly for Lucy to properly comprehend, and she couldn't quite believe the end of the year was so soon.

Lucy had never experienced Christmas away from home, before — not even at Beauxbatons. Every year she had always gone home to her mum, and the two would spend the holidays shopping for gifts for other family members and taking part in their same old tradition of wrapping presents whilst going through a tin of muggles' Quality Street, a mix of both muggle and wizard Christmas songs blasting in the background.

Lucy secretly always preferred the muggle Christmas songs — they for some reason always felt so much more nostalgic.

And, whilst she was missing her mum this year, Lucy was also excited about spending Christmas with her best friends. Snow had fallen over the Hogwarts grounds, which Lucy did not always have every year where she lived — the snowball fights were immense. Even Verity was getting involved. And Madame Maxine had even let her students put up Christmas trees in their shared rooms — so the four girls had spent one particular Saturday afternoon putting decorations on their own tree, the room soon drowning in tinsel and glitter that had fallen off baubles during the process.

Luckily for Lucy, her friends also shared the same love for muggle Christmas songs after she had drilled them into their heads on the last few weeks of term the previous couple of years — and so she was in extremely high spirits with golden tinsel wrapped around her like a scarf whilst Step Into Christmas filled the room on Lucy's record player in the corner. Fleur sang along with her, the two girls standing on beds on the opposite sides of the room as they attempted to hang an extremely long piece of silver and gold tinsel from the ceiling, whilst Misty and Verity argued over which baubles were to go where on the tree.

Students from all three schools were starting to warm to each other, now — it was almost like the tournament was on pause, just for Christmas, and everyone had forgotten they were meant to be competing against each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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