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We are now inside the school, I left my bag inside the classroom and left because Kwan, Sol and Dino are still not here, while walking someone tapped my shoulder, I turn around and saw no one, I looked beside me and saw someone, it's CHEOL, DANG HE LOOK GOOD

"Wow, I thought you are not Seungcheol, also I can feel stares shooting at us right now" I said while smiling

"You have to get used to it, now that you helped me, I can be a friend you know" I looked at him but he's just looking forward

"Of course, the first time we talked I already knew that we're gonna be close" I said then we both laughed

While we are walking, we passed by the music room, but then I, heard guitar and piano playing while they are singing, I stopped cheol from walking and signalled him to listen

He opened the music room door and there we saw two guys, which I think is familiar, When the song ended me and Cheol clapped that made the two guys shocked

"That's good" I said walking nearer to them

"Oh Kyongmi and S-Seungcheol?" Jeonghan said so Cheol nodded

"Oh, you guys are good at singing, do you guys wants to join a club?" I asked

"No thanks, I am already fine with my team" Jihoon said

"But your team's gonna be there too" Cheol said, so he knows their team?

"Uji it's gonna be fun, you know we are all there, also this is what you are good at right?' Jeonghan said smiling at Jihoon

"Okay okay, Jeonghan hyung can join, but I'll join if everyone in my team, including Jeon Wonwoo will join, how's that?"

"Deal, That's good because we only need three now but since You, Jeonghan and Wonwoo are already in, it's all closed, thank you very much" Cheol said then bowed

We bid our good-bye to them and started looking for Wonwoo, we walked round and saw him walking too, so we went to him "hi Wonwoo, how are you?"

"I'm fine"

"Do you have a club yet?"

"No, I don't want to because I can have free times for myself, but if I join a club, then All I have to do is get stuck into that club and do nothing else" wow, good thinking

"And what are you doing in your free time?"

"With friends, reading books, walking around, and many more"

"Well then, do you know how to sing? Dance? Rap?" Good thinking Cheol, wow I hope these two get along

"Hmm, I haven't tried any of that, except when I was a kid of course, why?"

"Do you want to join our club? Your friends are gonna be there too, also it can increase your hobby, you can dance, sing, rap whatever you want, also I guess you already read so many books so now it's time for your body to move, not just your brain" I said smiling at him hoping to get a yes

"Hmm, but I still have to study so I guess no" what? How come?

"You can study even if you are in the club, joining won't hurt you and your grades, also it'll be fun you see, and you'll get more people to talk to"

"Right, and you know me and Cheol can be your study buddies, I mean, I like reading books, Cheol likes studying you guys are both cool on the inside and I know that you are" I said while looking at Wonwoo's eyes

"Hmm Okay, but convince me first then I'll join" Wonwoo said, I am shocked, how can I convinced him

"Oh, Wonwoo you have lots of fans right? Because you are cool and you're one of the faces in the school" Cheol said

"Yeah but I didn't accepted it, because I don't want any fame, but since the students knew, they became a fan too, I don't know why"

"Oh do you like cute girls?"

"It depends why?"

I looked at Wonwoo, I pouted and act like my eyes are teary "Pleaaaaaaaaase?" Then I looked that, that was the MOST EMBARRASSING SECOND OF MY LIFE T^T


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