.thirty one.

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But as I am really worried about him I just hugged him, I'm scared that, that would happen too "you can tell me everything, and I'm afraid that would happen too, but please trust me in this, I would like to understand you, I'm scared this will be you from today to the rest of the year, I'm scared you won't be yourself again if this thing between you and her continues, I'm scared this will affect the group, you and the guys are the only thing that keeps me going through this year" I let him go so he looked at me and sighed

"Do you remember the student who got lost because rumors said she got bullied?" He asked so I nodded, yeah, they said she's still missing

"It's Yooyoung who bullied her, but no one knows because she is known for being the perfect student as they say, Yooyoung bullied the girl until she surrender and move out, and there I am just looking as she suffer, one day Yooyoung and her friends told me that they're going to make that girl disappear so she did and now I know nothing where that girl was, or what they did to them" oh, Yooyoung is so cold hearted

"And the day we all went to Bumzu Hyung's house, Yooyoung asked me to see her, she said that if I dont want to be with her again, she's gonna show the students that I made the girl disappear, she's rich and popular so rumors can spread easily if it came from her, people might also believe her, also she said that if I tell this to someone, she's gonna make that person disappear too or she'll spread the rumor,also add the thing if she saw me with another girl, so It's a complicated thing to say" I understand how cold hearted Yooyoung is, she just wants attention

"Just chill for now, if you can't break up with her, then let her broke up with you" I said that made him confused

"Make her dislike you, that's all" I said but he's still confused

"Do you think that's easy?"

"Uhm not really, but a simple problem needs a simple solution but maybe it'll take some time so we have to think what she likes about you and do the opposite of that, we won't know until we try"

"Okay deal"

"Good, but for now, classes already started so, mind if we skip?"

"Bet you food that Minghao already cut classes"

"We both know that" me and Jeonghan are teasing each other while walking but then I saw someone familiar coming towards us

"Here she comes, stay away"

"No! Let her, act like you didn't saw her, if she became angry later tell her you didn't noticed" he nodded so we continued teasing each other, Yooyoung keep calling him but we are just laughing and saying random words until we walked passed by Yooyoung and now she's out of our sight

Break time came, we are all at the cafeteria eating peacefully when suddenly the wind became hot and the whole cafeteria began to dark because death came, I mean Yooyoung, ugh!

"Hi guys!" She said while smiling, just seeing her face irritates me so when she speak, it's a double kill for me

While we are all ignoring Yooyoung she just sat there watching us like a cctv, she is sitting beside Jeonghan but since he's talking to Joshua, he is totally ignoring Yooyoung

While I'm here spacing out until Soonyoung threw fries at me so I threw fries at him too, he threw another one again but he missed so the fries hit Jihoon that made him glared at Soonyoung

I noticed that Dino grabbed the chips on the table and threw it at Cheol who is also spacing out, then I saw Seokmin accidentally spilled some water on Seungkwan's head so they are both pulling the open water bottle, Jeonghan playfully grabbed the bottle that made the water go out straight to Yooyoung's face Ahh jackpot, we all laughed, but when Yooyoung stood up angrily and about to pick up another bottle of water, but someone shouted "FOOD FIGHT!"


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