5.9K 70 10


24.09.2020 — //.//.//


involves discussion of depression, anxiety and non-graphic self-harm, as well as a mentioned suicide attempt (in the past); is centred around a boyxboy relationship and if that makes you uncomfortable then leave (:

psa that this is a kidfic! the boys are actually the ages stated in this au, this is not an age play.

zayn and louis are adults, liam is sixteen, niall is fourteen, and harry is nine.


a huge thank you to everyone reading this!! you guys are all amazing and i appreciate everything one of you. don't forget to vote if you enjoy and comment your thoughts! updates may be slow from time to time as i don't really have much of a schedule at the moment so please don't rush me, i'll always post within two weeks at most (:

this is essentially a writer's block project that i've been working on behind the scenes, don't worry, i'll still be working on my other books.


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