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Harry comes out of school the following day the usual bundle of energy that he always is; it's been a good day. He got moved up to gold on the class chart which means he's doing really good, and he had art which is his favourite lesson because he gets to sit by his new friend, Zoe and because he just likes it. So today he's extra happy, especially because now he gets to go home and tell everyone all about.

His happiness grows when he sees Dad and Niall waiting for him at the school gates, running all the way down the path towards them and throwing his arms around his new brother's waist.

"Ni! Are you feelin' better now?" He asks, resting his chin on the boy's chest to look up at him with wide eyes. Niall's face is still kinda pale and there are dark smudges under both of his suspiciously bloodshot eyes, but Harry figures he must be at least better than he was on the weekend because he'd been lay on the couch all day yesterday just coughing and sniffing and being sad.

Niall smiles and hugs him back, shrugging. "A little. We came here straight from my appointment because we went to see my Mum before, so I thought I'd come with Dad to pick you up."

Harry grins. "Cool. Did you get medicine to make you feel properly better?" He asks. "'Cause when I got a 'fection in my chest last year, I had to take this horrible yellow medicine that was s'posed to taste like bananas but really it just tasted gross. Did they give you that one?"

"Um. No, I — I don't have that one. They did give me medicine though, just not for my cold," the older boy explains briefly with a small shrug, ruffling Harry's hair as he pulls away.

"Oh. Okay," he answers with a shrug, not too curious. "Hi Daddy," he says, waving at the man beside Niall.

He acts all shocked, clutching his chest. "Just hi? No hug? Kiddo, I'm hurt."

Harry shakes his head quickly, throwing his arms around Louis hips and hugging him too. "I'm sorry! I missed you lots at school, but not too much 'cause I was extra busy. I got moved onto gold on the class chart!"

His Dad gasps before grinning at him. "What? Buddy, that's so great. Wait till your Papa hears about this, I think you'll be getting extra desert tonight," he says, and Harry beams, bouncing alongside Niall and the man on the way to the car.

"And a extra late bedtime?" He asks, hopeful.

Louis chuckles and scruffs up his hair before he unlocks the car. "We'll have to see about that, kiddo."

Harry slumps at that, climbing into the back seat and grumbling. "That means no," he says, crossing his arms over his chest and huffing.

Niall slips in beside him and offers him a smile. "We can watch a movie in my room after dinner, if you like? Dad says I gotta take a break from school work for one night at least," he mumbles, and Harry grins, instantly brightening up again.

"Yes please! Do I get to choose? Can I?" He asks, making the older boy laugh quietly.

"Yeah, you can choose. Whatever you want."

Harry smiles, not noticing the way that Louis is watching them in the rear view mirror with the softest of expressions as he leans across and throws his arms around his brother.

"You're the best, Ni!"


Zayn sinks into the seat beside Louis at the kitchen island later on that day, the other man barely even seeming to notice his presence as he stares off into the living area. The TV is on over there, Niall laid down with his head on the arm of the couch and his legs stretched out over Harry's lap, the nine year olds hands resting on his ankles as he watches cartoons quietly for once. Even Liam is out of his room as if to offer moral support, sitting on the arm chair nearest Niall's head, slouched down with his legs kicked up onto the coffee table in front and his phone in his hand.

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