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The first day back to school feels different this year to Niall. He's used to it just being him and his Dad, the atmosphere calm and slow in the morning before the man drives him to school.

Things are more hectic living with the Maliks'. His Dad has an early shift at the café and so he's gone before Niall is even awake, and by the time he's gotten dressed and packed his school bag, the kitchen is loud and busy.

Zayn is trying to flatten some of Harry's curls whilst the nine year old eats his cereal and plays with a toy fire truck simultaneously, rolling it along the countertop and making dramatic sound effects that send chewed up food flying in every direction. Liam is on the phone to one of his friends, crunching on toast and shovelling creased papers into his rucksack as he rants about something or other.

He watches the scene for a moment, wishing his Dad were there to see him off and reassure him about the day ahead. His Mum used to do the same, stroke his hair away from his face and tell him he was going to be just fine, that this year would go as smoothly as the rest, whilst Dad would squeeze his shoulder and agree, adding that he's the smartest kid around and would no doubt be top of his class.

This is his second to last year of high school though, and he's barely done any schoolwork over the summer so he's certain he's forgotten everything.

Still, he forces a tired smile when Zayn gives up on Harry's hair and holds out a plate of buttered toast and chopped up fruit to him. "Thanks," he says softly, sitting at the counter next to the fire truck wielding child.

"No problem," the man replies, pausing for a moment before he asks, "you feeling alright about school today? Not nervous or anything like that?"

Niall shakes his head without giving it much thought. "Not at all," he lies easily, smiling.

Zayn looks glad. "Oh, good. You know, Liam's only the year above. I'm sure the two of you can keep an eye out for each other if you need anything, and you can always give me a ring on your lunch or break if anything comes up," he offers kindly, albeit a little awkwardly since he's never had to have a conversation like this with Niall before, trying to fill his Dad's shoes whilst he's not there.

Niall smiles politely. "Thanks Zayn. I think I'll be'll probably be busy anyway, right?"

The man chuckles at that, ruffling his hair with ease, helping Harry hop down from the tall chair. "Never too busy for any of you guys," he says, making Niall smile a little less falsely. "You wanna call your Dad or anything before we get going?"

He shakes his head, though he really does want to. "Nah, he'll be working and I wouldn't wanna get him in trouble. His boss can be mean sometimes..." he sets the crust of his toast down on the plate and glances over at the pile of used bowls and cutlery beside the sink. "Did you want me to help clean up?" He offers, standing from the chair and looking up at the man, who stares at him in disbelief for a moment before shaking his head and laughing.

"Honestly, kid, what sorta brainwashing did your Dad have to put you through for you to be so good? Asking for a friend with a certain sixteen year old son who throws a full on tantrum when I tell him to pick his boxers up off the bathroom floor," he jests, and Niall smiles, cheeks flushing a little when Liam rolls his eyes and huffs.

"Sorry we can't all be perfect," the older boy mutters, tucking his phone into the pocket of the navy school blazer that he and Niall both have to wear, hooking his rucksack onto one shoulder.

Niall chews his lip at that, not knowing what to say because he can't tell for sure if Liam is annoyed at him or just annoyed at everything in general. They've never really argued, Niall isn't exactly the type to argue with anyone, and as far as he knows, Liam doesn't dislike him. He and his Dad have been staying here for over a week now and the two teen boys have barely had more than a couple conversations; if an exchange of two or three sentences can be considered conversation.

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