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Chapter Two

As soon as the creature finished speaking Eric drew his sword out from under his hoodie and rose to face the Cyclops. But he had only taken a step forward before the Cyclops moved. He stepped so fast that Eric barely had time to blink before he had been disarmed. He was quickly tossed across the car and smashed into a window. With a grunt he slid down and got up wincing, blood was already showing beneath his shirt.

Julian whipped out a small dagger out of his boot and advanced towards the Cyclops but again, the Cyclops moved forward. In a flash, Julian's arm was bent and his dagger stolen. He was kicked across the car and slid into a row of metal seats.  "Girls, run!” Julian screamed and picked himself off the ground. Even though both he and Eric we injured and weaponless they still advanced on the Cyclops, determination written all over their faces. The Cyclops laughed and smiled viciously with jagged teeth.

Immediately, the three of us girls ran to the door that let out into the next car. I could hear the scuffles behind us of Eric and Julian battling the Cyclops without their weapons. Leila struggled for a moment with the door, but at last it opened with a squeal and we tumbled into the next car. Practically hyperventilating, I closed the door behind us and hid from the window's line of sight. “We can’t just leave them there,” Lily said suddenly, her loyalties flashing in her eyes.

“I know,” I told her. “But what can the three of us do against a Cyclops? They have training and weapons to fight, what do we have? Not even a pocketknife to defend ourselves!”

“We have to do something!” Lily said looking around the car for a potential weapon, her eyes lighting upon a discarded plastic knife.

“Are you crazy?” Leila said, “You can’t fight with that. It’ll bend as soon as it hits his body!”

“We need to move,” I said pulling Leila and Lily away from the door and towards the next car. “Just move to the next car and hide, the train has to stop soon.” Just as I finished talking the door behind us smashed. Lily and Leila screamed and I gasped as the Cyclops tried to force his massive body through the tiny door.

“Run!” I yelled and grabbed Leila and Lily by their shirts. I faced forward, I couldn’t trust myself to look behind and not freak out. I reached the door to the next car and pulled at it, it wasn’t opening!

“There is nowhere to run, little girls,” the Cyclops bellowed as he forced himself through the door. The train rocked and I heard the broken glass of the door crunch under the Cyclops’ heavy steps. My heart sped up as I heard him grunt, he was still halfway stuck in the door. Finally the door latch popped under my fingers and I sprinted to the next car, Leila and Lily at my heels.

“Where the hell are the boys?” Leila screamed as we entered the next car slamming the door behind us. This car was as empty as the last and I was beginning to wonder if it was a coincidence.

“We don’t have time for that now!” I yelled trying to force the thoughts of what might’ve happened to the boys out of my head.  “We need to buy some time.”

Lily was already at the front of the car wrestling with the door; she was a runner and was faster than all of us. “It’s stuck!” she yelled, “I can’t get it open!”

“Shit!” said Leila running up and pulling on the door with Lily. “It has to open, there’s nowhere else to go.”

“Move,” I said shoving past them and looking at the door, “Lily, do you still have that knife?”

Lily held it out in her trembling hands, “Yeah, but I don’t see how---.”

“Just hand it over,” I said snatching it from her fist. I inserted it in the space between the door and the side of the car. Just like when my stepfather couldn’t open the lock of the hall closet and he used a credit card, I ran the knife up and down. The latch unlocked and I frantically stepped through the door. “Let’s go,” I said handing the knife back to Lily, “We don’t have much time before---.”

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