Chapter 2: Setting Out

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Just days later, Monica got a letter in the mail, and for once it was a letter she actually wanted to receive. Not some random douchebag who ogled her during her shift as a waitress. Not a letter from the college she planned to enroll in regarding financial aid or tuition. Nope, it was the DNA test results she'd coveted. As soon as she was alerted to this by her mother, Monica didn't hesitate to rip it open and expose every last secret within.

"So what's the verdict?" Mary asked, reading it over her daughter's shoulder.

"It says here that my donor's name is Trevor Bordeaux, and he currently lives over in Manhattan. Plus, the contract he signed says I'm allowed to contact him," Monica pointed out. "Shit. I should be able to get a kidney from him in no time."

"I do hope you realize you can't just barge into his place and shout 'Daddy', right?" Mary smirked. "You're not visiting him for some family reunion. First and foremost, you need him to agree to give up a kidney for you, and in order for that to happen, you'll need to explain your entire situation to him. I know it's not exactly normal to confess your own health problems to strangers, but it's kind of important here."

"Of course, Mom. I'm not stupid," Monica rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"I know, I know. But as your mother, it's kinda' my job to tease you," Mary replied.

"You know at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if you've been lying about your connection to me as well," Monica spat back as the two shared a laugh for a few moments.

First thing the next morning, Monica filled a backpack with the essentials for her hopefully short trip, including a change of clothes, boxes of tampons and pads, and also her phone and tablet and their respective chargers, just so she wouldn't get bored on the train ride. She then made her way downstairs, but before she could exit the diner, Mary caught her attention.

"Hey, wait up!" she said.

Monica was caught off guard as her mother enveloped her in a quick but snug hug of goodbye, before holding up what appeared to be a large orange pill bottle, filled to the brim with ovular white medication.

"What's this?" she asked.

"These are kidney dialysis pills. Twice as convenient, but only half as effective," Mary explained. "Seeing how you won't be able to get your treatment while you're on the road, the doctor prescribed you these. There are two months worth of dosages in here, so you should have plenty of time to get a new kidney. But if you run out, don't hesitate to hurry back home so you can get a refill."

"Got it," Monica nodded. "Welp, I'd better hurry. The train leaves in about half an hour."

"Stay safe out there!" Mary called after her daughter as she left. "And don't spend too much time off task! This is kind of urgent!"

Monica managed to reach the station and grab a ticket with ten minutes to spare before the train towards New York left. She took the time to scout around for an empty seat, before a particular one caught her eye. The guy sitting next to it was about her age, with his nose buried in a self-help book. He had tanned skin, periwinkle eyes, and black hair gelled into a mohawk, though Monica could tell that wasn't his natural hair color. She sat down next to him, making note of his blood red short-sleeved hoodie worn over an orange long-sleeved top. His black boots and shorts covering his legs, and the curry yellow scarf and gold pentagram glinting around his neck.

There was no mistaking it. This young man was a familiar face she'd shared a few classes with at college the previous year. The two weren't close friends or anything like that, but they did at least get along fine enough.

"M-Monica?" he asked in an Australian accent, looking up from his book.

"Balthazar?" Monica asked in response.

"The one and only. How's it been?" Balthazar asked as the two shook hands.

"Alright," Monica replied. "Just heading over to Manhattan so I can get a kidney transplant. You?"

"Well it just so happens I'm heading there too," Balthazar explained. "Just heading home to pay a short visit to my family."

"Oh yeah, that's right. I remember you saying you had family there before," Monica recalled.

"If I may ask, though, why exactly are you headed all the way there just for a kidney transplant?" Balthazar asked.

"Long story short, I'm suffering from renal failure, and it turns out my dad isn't my real father, so I need to find the sperm donor who created me," Monica explained.

"Ah, I see," Balthazar replied.

Even after the train took off for their shared destination, the two acquaintances kept carrying on their discussion, which had a tendency to shift gears completely at a moment's notice. Topics could range from schoolwork, to how World War III affected their families, to even the books they were currently in the midst of reading in their spare time.

"So I recently decided to pick up Lovestruck in San Francisco because of all the buzz it was getting, and let me just say it's the most unrealistic crap I've ever read. Like, since when do couples fall in love in one day?" Monica rolled her eyes.

"Well hey, it's set in a world where there's a confirmed afterlife, voodoo and Satanism exist, and America was once segregated by eye and hair color," Balthazar responded. "You seriously expect realistic relationships in the same universe as all that?"

"I guess you do raise a good point there," Monica shrugged.

Over the next few seconds, Balthazar took the time to subtly check her out, admiring the way her glasses meshed quite nicely with her eyes, and how her curtain of hair was always styled in some sort of half-do, with today's look being a half-braid. Her upper body snugly covered in nothing but a sweater-vest, alongside those low-rise distressed jeans that highlighted her legs very well. No doubt about it, this was the type of woman he'd be willing to have a committed relationship with.

"So, uh, speaking of cheesy romantic stuff..." he began. "Er... I believe you said you wanted to come back to school starting next semester, correct?"

"Uh-huh," Monica nodded.

"And it's not long after that semester starts when the Junior's Dance happens," Balthazar continued. "So I guess what I'm trying to say is, would you... like to go there with me?"

"I truly appreciate the offer, but I'm afraid I'll have to pass on it," Monica replied following a brief pause. "I-It's nothing against you, but I just... I'm not really much of a people person, let alone an event person. I really hope you understand."

Balthazar's white-knuckled hands curled into loose, trembling fists, and his face and body violently twitched a couple of times as though he was about to start having an angry meltdown, but he managed to calm himself down.

"Oh, it's fine. It's... no problem," he said. "I can't fault you for being honest."

And then there was another short span of silence between the two. While Monica checked through the social media apps on her phone, Balthazar took the opportunity to look towards the window. But unbeknownst to his schoolmate, he was really using this as an excuse to pull out a petri dish and pocket knife.

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