Chapter 2

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When I came back with the first aid kits, the half time had barely started. My hands were full of bandages, sprays and aspirines, which the managers were very happy to rid me of.

"Wanna help? We could probably use an extra hand." Skye said as she went over to her friend and helped him clean up.

"Sure." I answered, although every part of me just wanted to run away and never turn back.

"There, Gabi sprained his ankle and needs some help." Some girl with long red hair and a bow in her head pointed at the player.

The so called Gabi was sitting on a seat, whining as he tried standing up.

"I'm fine Jade, I can play the second half!" The pink haired boy said as he whined in pain.

"Come on let me see what's the matter." I opened one of the kits as Gabi sat back down and sighed, holding his head between his hands.

"It's not too bad, you'll probably be fine in a couple of days, but you definitely shouldn't play the second half." I said as I inspected his ankle.

"What do you mean I shouldn't play? Of course I'm playing!" He snapped back and I looked him dead in the eye.

"Yeah, sure, you can play, if you want to give up on the rest of the championship." I sarcastically replied as I grabbed some cream.

"Hey, I like this one! I'm Jade by the way, Jade Green." The girl with red hair said, with a big smile splattered on her face.

"I'm Avril, Avril Karasu." I smiled back as I carefully started rolling the bandage around Gabi's ankle.

"Hey, you're good at this!" Jade said after staring at me for awhile. "Where did you learn? Do you play soccer too?"

I froze for a second, before taking a deep breath and calming myself down. "It's fine Avril, you got this." I told myself as I looked back at Jade.

"Oh no, but I have four brothers, so accidents were frequent in the house. You have no idea how many nights I spent in the ER." I chuckled, and to my surprise Gabi seemed more relaxed too.

"Now that's a lot of brothers." Jade said, who had clearly abandoned whatever it was that she was doing and was very focused on our conversation.

"Did they ever go here? Play with the team?" Gabi asked, his interest suddenly peeked.

"Oh no, they're all over 22 now, I doubt you'd know them." I sheepishly said, and both my new friends smiled back. "There you go, be careful for the next few days and you should be fine."

"You heard the doc Gabi, you're out for the second half!" Jade and I chuckled as Gabi sighed.

I looked at the other team, suddenly feeling stared at. It was their Captain again; he was staring at me just like before, but I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Everything ok?" Skye asked, noticing I wasn't moving anymore.

"What's he looking at?" I nodded towards the captain and both Skye and Jade turned around.

"Probably you and Skye." the latter replied.

"What?" I asked, astonished.

"Well, you came out of nowhere, with all these medical kits. And, you're not wearing the school uniform." She said smiling at my hoodie.

"I am!" I replied. "Under the hoodie!" I raised it revealing the shirt and tie.

"Not a fan of the uniform huh?" Jade remarked smiling, as she started cleaning out the first aid kits.

"Not one bit." I pouted. "Especially of the skirt. Way too short." I said causing her to laugh. "Besides, where I used to live it was cold all year long, so I'm having some trouble adjusting to normal temperature again."

"Well that's understandable, besides-"

"The second half is starting!" Skye interrupted.

"Wanna stay with us and watch?" Jade asked, a sad smile on her face.

"Sure." I tried to smile back, but every part of me wanted to run away and give everything up.

"Where the heck is he?" I thought as I sat down between Skye and Jade, the half time starting.

Needless to say, the game didn't go much better than the beginning. The Dark Knights kept scoring, and our team was too tired to do anything. Arion was the only one who wouldn't give up.

As I watched the game, I couldn't help nervously play with my hands, wondering where the hell he was. He had to get here fast, or else the team would be replaced for good.

Just as also the Captain, a certain Riccardo, fell to the ground, Arion begged him to stand up. All of a sudden, a dark light enveloped the Captain as everyone gasped, including the opposing team. A warrior spirit.

The show didn't last very long though, as the Captain couldn't control more it for more than few seconds, and the ball was already back in the opposing team's possession.

"What the hell is going on?" A familiar voice shouted, just as the Captain from the opposing team was about to score another point. I sighed in relief.

"So? Will somebody tell me what the hell is going on?" My brother Ben asked again, looking almighty in his police uniform. The whole pitch fell silent. Finally, a man who seemed to be the coach from the opposing team spoke up.

"An innocent match is being disputed sir."

"Really? Because I was told that your team is trying to entirely replace the original one."

"Well yes." The coach shrugged. "Nothing illegal."

"Remind me again how many of your players go to this school?" My brother asked as the coach went blue.

"Bingo." I thought. My brother's eyes met mine for a split second, but he didn't pay any attention to me and went back to the coach. Just as I had instructed him to.

If the Fifth Sector found out I was the one who had called the cops on them, they would have not been clement, that's for sure.

"One, sir." The coach replied, his eyes down on the ground.

"Well then, this match is nul and suspended. Go home everyone, especially the kids who don't actually go here." He glared at the Fifth Sector team and their coach. Everyone started clearing out, including my friends.

"Well that was some luck, wasn't it?" Jade said stretching and yawning.

"I wonder who called the cops." Skye said thoughtfully as a shiver ran down my spine.

"You coming, Avril?" Jade asked, as I wasn't moving.

"Just a sec." I smiled. "I'll join you soon."

My two friends shrugged as they exited the stadium, leaving me and my brother finally alone on the pitch.

"Not a moment too soon, asshat." I said playfully punching my brother's arm.

"Ha. Ha. Ha." He said sarcastically. "Way to thank your big bro for saving your ass, as always."

"I know, I know." We both laughed. "Thanks for coming, I thought you weren't going to show up."

"Got stuck in traffic, that's all." He sighed and looked at me with sad eyes. "I'm sorry you had to deal with the Fifth Sector even on your first day of school."

"He, it's fine." I shrugged, but I could tell my brother wasn't buying it. "Look, I need to go locate my locker, but thank you for coming down here."

"No problem little sis. See you around." He lightly kissed my forehead as I closed my eyes, before leaving me alone in the stadium. I sighed sadly, looking at the pitch one last time before heading to my locker.

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