Chapter 60

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The game starts with the ball in the Olympus' possession. Four seasons passes it to a teammate as they move forward.

Swift as the wind, Arion intercepts it and then calls me and Victor go forward. I leave my post at the goal, trusting the new Captain's instincts. It results in a big mistake.

Olympus use their tactic, Home of the Gods, to block us and push forward. Victor, Arion and I fall to the ground as the players go towards our goal. I try to run back in time, in vain. Fourseasons evokes his Warrior Spirit and shoots with his technique, "Leaves of Autumn", which Samguk tries to stop with no success.

I grit my teeth as I see the scoreboard already giving 1-0 for the opposing team. I glare at Axel Blaze, but he doesn't seem to notice. He's silently studying the situation.

"Guys, I think I have an idea." Arion says as he calls Micheal as well.

Once we've gotten our instructions, we take our new positions, Victor and I in the opposite side of the field.

Samguk passes the ball to Micheal. The other players expect him to pass to either Victor or I, and quickly cover us. Instead, Micheal tries to shoot the ball from midfield.

Shocked, the goalkeeper evokes his own Warrior Spirit and stops the ball without breaking a sweat. He sends it back to some of his teammates, thinking it was just a dumb attempt, but it's not.

Quick as can be, Arion pops out of nowhere, stealing the ball and passing it to an unmarked Victor. The latter quickly evokes his Warrior Spirit, and so do I.

We perform "Death Blizzard", Victor's and I's technique, and shoot the ball towards the cage. The goalkeeper barely has time to react, but his technique isn't strong enough. The ball's in.

Victor and I high five up and down as the score gives 1-1 for us. Victory sure tastes sweet.

"We're doing awesome guys!" Arion exclaims as we all shout back. Maybe we do have a shot at this, even if I haven't managed to figure out my own plan.

I look over to Axel Blaze once more. He's looking right at me, seemingly having noticed something, but remains emotionless.

The fight keeps going on. After Arion's ingenuous plan, Olympus don't fall for it anymore, and make sure to mark all of us, no matter where we are. We need a new plan to break through their defence.

I run back to my position in front of Samguk as I see Fourseasons evoking his Warrior Spirit.

I evoke my own, Bella The Swan Princess, my hair turning platinum blond as I use my defence technique, "Ice Golem".

From under me, a gigantic Ice Golem rises, putting his hand forward to stop the ball. I struggle a bit, but finally manage to stop it as the ball lands at my feet.

I smirk as Fourseasons nods. "I'd never played with a shapeshifter before." He's referring to my hair changing color.

I shrug, then send the ball over to Gabi and start running forward as Arion motions Victor and I to try and shoot one more time.

Just as the ball is about to reach Eugene, it is intercepted by another player and goes straight back to Fourseasons. I'm too far to go back; I watch Samguk struggle to stop the ball, and fall backwards as it enters the cage.


A mad expression must be painted on the face because Victor quickly runs over to me. "Don't worry, we'll manage to catch up." He reassures me as he stares at Arion who's giving Ryoma some new orders.

So far, he's been doing an ok job as the captain. I look up to the board. Only 10 minutes left for the first half.

I go back to my spot, determined not to leave the cage undefended this time. Samguk puts the ball back in the game, but it is quickly intercepted by the Olympus.

It's a game of stealing the ball back and forth, but the opposing players never allow us to get it to the other side of the field, where Ryoma is discreetly waiting for his opportunity.

Gabi finally manages to steal the ball back with his technique "The Mist" and sends it Ryoma's way. The boy doesn't waste time. Faster than ever, he evokes his Warrior Spirit and promptly shoots towards the cage.

The goalkeeper tries to stop the ball, unsuccessfully, and the referee whistles the end of the first half as the score changes to 2-2.

We go back to the bench, exhausted but adrenaline pumping through our veins. Maybe we have a shot at winning this, even if I won't manage to prove my point to Axel Blaze.

It's petty anyways, I think as chug down my water. He'll understand when we win the match, and that's the important thing.

I look over to the opposing team's bench. They're not on the field anymore, but in their private room, probably discussing strategy.

Arion and Victor walk up to me.

"Avril, be honest... do you think I've been a good captain?" The boy asks with an insecure voice. When he hears this, Coach Evans approaches us and listens to the conversation.

"I mean, yeah." I shrug as his face falls. Victor glares at me. Maybe I didn't praise him enough. "You've managed to overcome every obstacle the opposing team has thrown our way, Arion, and I think you're making a pretty good job at being captain." I develop as his face lights up.

"You think?" Victor and I nod smiling.

"You know, Arion," Coach Evans starts speaking. "The true skill of a Captain is measured when in crisis. It's the quickness and the confidence that a Captain has during a hard situation that tells you whether you're a good captain or not."

"And do you think I'm being a good one, Coach?" Arion asks his eyes glimmering in hope.

"Well, I think-" Coach Evans is interrupted as the ground starts shaking against us.

I lose my balance and fall backwards, threatening to hit my head against the bench. Luckily, Victor leaps and catches me right before that, as we both fall on the floor, in each other's arms.

"Got ya." He murmurs in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. I mentally slap myself. This is not the time for these kind of thoughts, Avril!

"Thanks." I manage to mumble back as my eyes fixated the big screen.

The screen is broadcasting what's happening; the stadium is changing form? It's rising higher in the sky, stopping anyone from down to access it.

But it then the camera shows something else. A completely new team, walking on the field. We all stare in disbelief as the entirety of the Olympus' team is replaced with another one. Even the Coach is different, although Axel Blaze is still here.

The logo and the name of the team change on the scoreboard too.

The captain of the new team, a tall boy with a pink hair kept in rat-tail like ponytail walks up to Arion.

He smirks. "My name is Quentin Cinquedea. And this is the Fifth Sector's strongest team, DragonLink. We only have one goal-" he licks his lips in pleasure as my heart starts beating like crazy in my chest. "-to crush you."

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