Chapter 40

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The fireworks start as Victor and I are sitting on the panoramic wheel, a booth to ourselves and the giant Neige plushie at our feet as we stare at pretty colors in the sky.

It's almost midnight, and explosions of colors are taking over the dark night everywhere.

"Wow..." I sigh in awe at the spectacle.

"Yeah, wow..." Victor murmurs, but he's not looking at the sky.

"Hey! Look at the show, you big dork!"

Victor chuckles as I get all flustered. I'm in his arms, his arm around my waist pulling me close to him, head on his chest as I listen to his breathing and look at the sky.

"I'm looking at you, so I'm allowed to say wow." I giggle.

"Since when have you become so cheesy?" He smiles, looking at the fireworks.

"I don't know. I'm just happy you're here with me." He lightly kisses my forehead as I burrow my head under his neck, and we look at the show together.

This feels right.


It was almost 2AM when Victor dropped me off with the motorcycle.

"There you go." He said as I handed him the helmet. "The house right before yours, so we don't piss off your mum too much." I laughed.

"She would love you." I said, resting my arms around his neck as he looked at me lovingly.

"I know. But we can't kill her with all this beauty, can we?" He smirked to which I rolled my eyes.

We stared at each other for a moment, before he flashed a devilish grin.

"Victor, whatever you-" but I was too late. Out of nowhere, Victor swooped me up with ease and sat me on the motorcycle as I protested.

"Victor!" I squeaked in surprise as he laughed, arms around my waist.

"There, now I can properly kiss you goodnight."

Without leaving me time to retort, he pressed his lips against mine as my arms snaked around his neck. The kiss started out soft, but turned more passionate as it went on, and for the first time in our two week relationship, our tongues intertwined in pleasure.

We finally parted, breathless and ecstatic. Victor's smile was different than usual. He looked much more... happy. Serene, even.

"Good night, Avril."

"Good night, Vic."


"So how was the festival with your brothers yesterday?" Jade asks as I stretch. We are on the pitch, getting ready to play against Arukumo.

"You have this really bad habit of starting conversations right when I'm stretching." I retort panting a little.

"Yeah, well you're always unavailable so this is the only time." She slightly pouts as I chuckle.

"The festival was nice. The firework show was very pretty." Jade sighs.

"I can't believe you went with your brothers when I clearly instructed that idiot of an ice boy to take you." We both look at Victor.

Victor's trying to talk Arion out of some trance he got in when he saw Sol Daystar, the captain of the opposing team. Apparently he knows him, and is reluctant to play.

"You told Victor to take me?" I ask, acting as if I don't know anything, when in reality it's thanks to her we went in the first place.

"Yes!" She exclaimed unhappily. "I thought he had the balls to do it, but I guess not."

I shake my head, still laughing.

"You have some serious problems." I stand up, my stretching finally done.

"Hey, I do not!" Jade shouts behind me as laugh.

I go to Victor, who's stepped away from Arion and has given Riccardo and J.P. space to try and talk him out of it.

"How's the soccer freak doing?" I ask nodding towards Arion.

"Don't know. I tried screaming some sense into him, but apparently I was too "aggressive"." He air-quotes Michael's words annoyingly as I giggle. "Don't laugh!" He exclaims, before whispering. "You're my girlfriend, you should be taking my side."

"Yes, well, you can't have seriously thought screaming was going to wake Arion up, right?" I look over to the obviously troubled boy. "What he really needs is a good earful from Skye."

"How is that any different from what I did?" He exclaims, disgusted.

"Well, for starters, you are not dating Sherwind." I instinctively lean in for a kiss, but catch my movement at the last minute and step back. Victor turns red as he looks at the floor.

"Sorry." I murmur as he shakes his head.

Victor and I have been dating for now two weeks, but we still haven't told anybody. Victor's scared that I'll get hurt because of his previous involvement with the Fifth Sector, and frankly, I have my worries about him too.

But as it turns out, dating in secret is much harder than we'd thought it'd be. Every natural movement from our time together has to be stopped, and we can't even have a proper conversation without reminding ourselves to take a step back.

"No, don't worry." He mumbles. "I don't like it either."

"When should we tell the others?" I sigh, staring at the rest of the team who knows nothing about us dating.

"Ideally, when we win the championship." He looks at me, amber eyes full of pain.

"Vic... what if we don't win?" I whisper, but Victor grabs my hand and shakes his head.

"We are going to win. I promise." I nod as he looks at me straight in the eyes. I can see he means it. He's made too many sacrifices to lose at this stage.

"Guys, on the pitch, now!" Gabi shouts for us, and after a quick nod, we both follow the others on the pitch.

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