The Movie/show you both watch together

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Zayn: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory.

No matter how old you or Zayn are you always love watching this movie together. When ever you both watch a movie you both want to watch this movie. It got to a point that you both watches it so much you both recited all the words to the whole movie, of course after you guys laughed at each other.

Liam: Toy Story (of course)

When you and Liam had spare time on your hands you would have a ToyStory marathon, and watch from 1 all the way to 3, and of course you would end up crying after watching the 3rd one, and Liam would always comfort you, telling you that if he was Andy he would never have given the toys to the little girl, and the mean teddy bear will get karma.

Niall: The Vampire Diaries

You loved the Vampire Diaries and you had managed to convert Niall into liking it as well, so when ever a knew episode was out you always watched it together, even when he was on tour you would both set a skype date and watch it together. When you weren’t watching the latest episode you were booth re watching the old episodes.

Harry: Love actually

You and Harry both loved this movie, and on nights when you were both feeling tired and lazy, Harry would put Love Actually into the DVD player, make some popcorn and you would both cuddle together watching the movie you both loved. In the end you would end up teary and Harry would always wipe away your tears, before kissing you passionately, and whispering, “I will always love you no matter what.”

Louis: The Land before time (Cute dinosaur movie)

You and Louis always had to end up watching the Land before time because your daughter was obsessed with it, and you and Louis both secretly enjoyed watching the cute little dinosaurs act like kids, and you both loved spending time with your little girl altogether cuddled up on the couch.

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