Chapter 5

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I woke up to my annoying alarm clock going off that Joey gave me, I got up shutting it off. I then opened my door and walked right across the hall to Joey's room and knocked. Joey opened the door looking like he just woke up too as he rubbed his eyes tiredly in just a pair of sweatpants. "I hate you for giving me an alarm clock," I said grouchily Joey chuckled "I love you too Sunshine," he teased me. I rolled my eyes and walked back into my room closing it behind me. I took a shower last night so all I have to do it get ready and make sure I have everything.
I decided to wear a pair of plain light blue jeans with an AC/DC shirt I have had for a while. I also grabbed a red and black flannel long sleeve shirt that I bought yesterday tying that around my waist. I brushed my hair out then slipped my flat bill hat on I grabbed my backpack along with my phone and earbuds. I slipped my phone with my earbuds wrapped around it in my back pocket. Then slipped my backpack over my shoulders but the backpack pulling on my hair so I pulled my hair out. It then cascaded down my backpack I smiled walking out my room into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and flossed them then used my facial wipes to clean my face.
Joey walked out his room as I finished up in the bathroom; Joey wore a plaid long sleeve button up shirt with with black dress pants and shoes. "My, my, my," I said Joey looked at me giving me a confused look "are you sure you have work," I asked "yes why," Joey asked me. "Well you look like your about to gin on a date with Merida," I teased Joey, he rolled his eyes as I laugh at the blush on his face. "I got to go," I said "you need to eat," Joey told me, then grabbed an apple from a small basket on the counter. "That'll do," he said as I waved it in the air I smiled "see you late JP," I said as I left "bye JJ," he called.
I walked down the hall some to see Will coming out with Miss. Ganzlie "morning," I called happily they both looked to me with smiles. "Morning Julieta," Miss. Ganzlie replied to me "off to play bingo again," I asked "oh not today, my daughter is picking me up," she told me. "She is going to wait in the lobby for her," Will told me, I nodded my head we all then entered the elevator the ride was silent but nice. We got down to the lobby and just like said Miss. Ganzlie is waiting in the lobby while Will and I head to school.
As Will and I walked we talked about a few things we had in common like reading and that we both love History. We also discovered that we shared the same favorite TV show Arrow from DC. "I absolutely love all the parkour they had," Will told me, I nodded my head "I knew a girl once. She loved to do parkour and she was very good at it," I told Will. "That's awesome," Will said in excitement as we were about to walk into the school parking lot but I saw that same black car about speed in. I stuck my arm up and stepped back pushing Will back with me.
"Asses," I cursed as I glared at the black car Will sighed "what," I asked confused "that's Derek and his friends," Will told me. Makes sense I thought to myself. "They got detention yesterday for fighting and apparently some girl smashed Owen McCarthy's head with a stapler," Will told me "yeah that was me," I said. "What," said Will shocked "he was trying to force himself on me," I said defending myself Will rolled his eyes. "Not shocked," Will told me so in other words he has done shit like this before. What An Ass!
Will and I stopped at the entrance of the school "ok I will give you the run down," Will told me. I nodded my head we then watched as if it was like a movie scene happening before our eyes. The four boys get out the black car "ok so there is my Brother Derek Fetcher," said Will "he is the only blonde out group. He can be rude and pushy but he is also very smart," said Will. Derek and him did look alike except for the eyes their eye shape and eye color were the only difference about them. And how they cut and styled their hair too. Derek has a mid fade on the sides with the top looking like he just woke up. While Will had his on a high fade with the front cropped up. Derek wore black jeans just like all his buddies did except they wore different colored shirts with black leather jackets. Derek's shirt is white which is a bad choice all stains show on white unless you bleach it. Will wore just plain blue jeans and a black Champion shirt with plain red sneakers.
        "That's Lane Rallis with the brown hair and green eyes. He is totally full of himself and loves to flirt with girls, but unlike Owen. He doesn't force girls into things," Will told me as I looked Lane over he wore black pants with a light blue skin tight shirt as he winked at a group of girls. His brown hair is an undercut hairstyle which looked good on him honestly. "The red head is Cyrus Snyder, he is very cold and has a big temper. He has never hit a girl but the last girl that pisses him off got scared. Because he punched her right by her head," Will told me, I rolled my eyes at that he ain't that damn intimidating trying being stuck in a house. With girls that just got out of Juvie and not afraid to pick a fight with you.
Cyrus though wasn't bad looking despite the ugly glare he gave out for no reason. His red hair cut into angular fringe with disconnected fade; he wore black jeans of course with a black AC/DC shirt took. Copycat! "Then there is Peyton Bradly the other guy with brown hair but brown eyes. It is honestly hard to pick sometimes who had the worst temper. Him or Cyrus but Cyrus is always everyone's top pick. Peyton doesn't do relationships other than fuck buddies or best friends, but usually with girls it's just fuck buddies," Will told me, great now where is queen bee?
Peyton was definitely the good looking one of the group with his brown hair cut to a taper fade. His body looked the most fit and muscular out of the entire group and bad looked good on him. He wore black jeans with a black skin tight shirt with a leather jacket over that. They all wore the same black sneakers too. Do these guys like call each other a plan this shit out?
Just then we heard a girl's voice call out "Peyton," Will sighed "that is Stephanie Murphy. Her dad is a lawyer here in the city a very well known one. Her mom is never home always in New York working on her fashion line. She is a spoiled bitch who is Peyton's most known fuck buddy," Will told me "and there is that common queen bee in every school," I said. Will nodded his head and sure enough the crazy bitch had her minions follow. Three of them all trying to get the other three boys attention while Stephanie tries to seduce Peyton.
Stephanie was pretty armpit length natural dirty blonde hair with baby blue upturned eyes. Her skin looked naturally tanned which I was glad for because I believe fake tans aren't healthy. But I have never had one so I don't know. She wore a Blake skater skirt that stopped mid thigh on her with a red long sleeve crop top. She wore black flats instead of heels like some books I have read say they do. She definitely did have makeup on, but it wasn't caked on.
"Her three minions are Talia Moore, Erica Patterson, and Zoey Hazel. They always coordinate their outfits to match. Except their shirts have to be different from Stephanie's or else all hell breaks lose," Will told me, I smirked now that sounded like a basic queen bitch thing to do. Talia has her her black hair up in a high ponytail with almond light mocha brown eyes. Erica has shoulder length black hair that is curly with beautiful chocolate brown skin and protruding hazel eyes. Zoey has natural dirty blonde hair too that shoulder length too. Her hair pulled into a half up and half down hair style. They all wore natural looking make up with black skater skirts stopping mid thigh on them. But the three of them wore light pink crop tops instead of red like Stephanie, they also wore black flats instead of heels.
"I just can't," I said shaking my head in disappointment like can't they be different with their own styles. "We should get to class," Will said I nodded my head fixing my hair to hide the scar on my face slightly. Will showed me to my locker that was slightly diagonal from his. I don't put anything in my locker but I do grab the text book that is in here. There are four text books in every locker when a new student and students already here come in. They are that's person text books for the entire year. I grabbed my English text book then turned to see Will grabbing his.
He shuts his locker just ass the queen bitches walk up to him smacking his book out his hand. Don't these bitches usually pick on females? I walk over there "you such a loser. Like how can Derek even be related to you," said Stephanie, I purposely bumped her shoulder as I walked to stand beside Will. "Hey," I said nodding to him ignoring her as she says "excuse me," very rudely might I add. "Let's get to class," I tell him then whisper to where he can only here "before I do something stupid," he nodded his head smiling great fully at me.
I grab his wrist and go to pull him along with me when two of the minions Zoey and Talia get in my way. "Excuse me," said Stephanie still very rudely but I look to her with a cold lifeless expression on my face. "I was talking to him," she said pointing to Will with an angry expression on her face "that's funny your definition of talking and mine must be totally different. Because I am pretty sure you were bullying him not talking," I said with a confused look on my face. "Listen you must be new. But no one disrespects me," Stephanie told me "well thank God. I got here because I love disrespecting rude bitches," I said with a smirk on my face.
She seemed honestly pissed "but now," I said shoving through he minions "you must excuse us. We have a date with our classes can't be late," I said with a fake bright smile on my face. "But let's do this again sometime," I said as we walked away once we were a bit away from Stephanie throwing a fit. I let go of Will's wrist letting him walk beside me now instead of me drag him. "You must be crazy," Will told me with a smile on his face but I knew he was shocked. "Eh not really I just don't like bullies," I told him with a shrug of my shoulder when I said 'eh' as we walked on.
"Well I got to get to Math. See you at lunch," Will said he then went down another walkway as I kept going straight "sure will," I told him. We then waved by at each other and went out separate ways I sighed now without Will here I felt kind like a loner. Oh well I just hope I don't have to deal with anymore bitches today.

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