Chapter 18

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        I grabbed Derek and Will's mother being extra careful with her for their sakes and Miss. Ganzlie's sake. "Listen," I told her despite my anger I kept calm "that man," I point to him as the whore is checking on him telling him everything I said was a lie. "May grow some balls and try to fix your relationship," I told her "but if that whore isn't gone in four days," I told her. "Leave him. You are hurting your family but hurting yourself with staying with him," I told her as tears welled up in her eyes.
        "It takes a strong person to stay with someone despite them being nothing but cruel. I know my mom was in his place doing drugs, drinking, and sleeping around. I knew it hurt my dad and the day he confronted her was his last day. She got so angry she grabbed a kitchen knife and killed him," I told her "he may not do drugs and drink on occasion. But him bringing his mistress of a whore in your home. Hurt your family more than him just sleeping with her. Him just sleeping with her hurt. But him brining in that hurt could kill someone's self confidence and make relationships break. There are already relationships breaking, but do not lose your sons and daughter over this bullshit," I told her as she cried.
        She started nodding her head as she fell down down her knees "it does hurt but I didn't realize it hurt them too," she cried. I saw the hurt in Mark's eyes at her words while the white looked pissed and stood up coming at me. She swung I dodged and with one punch laid her out "stupid ass whore," I muttered but knew they heard me. "Why," Miss. Ganzlie asked me, I turned to see her shocked face with tears in her eyes. I smiled at her sadly pulling out letter from my back pocket. "For you," I told her "and for the others," I said just as a phone rang.
        "Hello," Miss. Ganzlie said "it's for you," she said handing me the phone I took it walking away from them. "Alec," I said knowing who just damn well it was "Baby," he said sending disgusting shivers up and down my spine. "What do you want," I asked "I just wanted to tell you. That I am wanting us to meet now," he said I felt sick and weak but gritted my teeth. "You said I had until next week," I said "oh but Julieta, I want to meet now. Or," he said "Stephanie and Owen can die," I then heard their pleads for help.
        I felt sick I knew he had something up his sleeve he wasn't dumb and I bet he knew a lot of things. I hated Stephanie and Owen, Stephanie mostly but I couldn't let him kill them just to get me. "Chealsy Park Baby. There is a creek far from the playground area. Go there and meet me. If you don't I slit their throats and leave them for the children to see," Alec then laughed as he sighed in content "then inc so have you and we are away for them all. You are going to give me children until the day I can't produce another sperm. But we are going to be happy because will be together," Alec told me. I felt even more sick and angry.
        I would rather die then give birth to his children and I would rather die then be anywhere near him. But I can't live with myself knowing others would die because of me. Hell I wasn't gonna let him scar little children like he did me. "Fine," I gritted our "give me an hour," I said but Alec tsked into the phone "you have thirty minutes," he said. Then hung up "fuck," I cursed I tossed the phone onto the couch running out the house. Miss. Ganzlie walking out the house after after me telling me to stop. But I didn't I just kept running and running. I passed the school as memories with my friends flashed from there. Make me grit my teeth and run faster. I passed the apartment complex as the memories from there flooded back to me. Causing tears to roll down my cheeks but I sucked it up quick and kept running. I then thought back to when I was little with my dad at the park as I came to it.

                             11 years ago
Daddy and I sat on the swings watching as the sun began to set. Daddy took me to the park today since Joey was at a friends house sleeping over. "Daddy," I said he hummed in response "why did you name me Julieta," I asked curiously. Daddy chuckled "I knew this day would come when you asked," he told me as I looked to him with curious eyes.
        "I named you Julieta after the girl named Juliet from William Shakespeares play Romeo and Juliet," Daddy told me "why," I asked making him chuckle more. "Many people focus on the sweet love just between Romeo and Juliet. But some focus on the fact how stupid they thought it was for them to kill themselves for love," Daddy told me but kept going. "I have always focused on the fact they they were willing to die for each other. They had such a powerful love that they wanted to always be together. But I also saw that out of their love and willing to die for each other. They did love their families but loved each other more. But when they died the war between the families died as well. Some say they probably grew to be close allies and that the next family members. That fell in love between the two had a huge wedding and in honor of Juliet and Romeo. We're married as quickly as they did but no in secret," Daddy told me.
        "Is that true," I asked "ok I may have lied on the next family member part. But Julieta," Daddy said. We looked at each other "I want you to be willing to die for your family. To protect them at all costs even if it means your unhappiness," Daddy told me, I nodded my head. But then thought for a second "does it just have to be family," I asked Daddy, he chuckled. "Anyone really Sweetpea as long as they are worth it," Daddy told me, we both the looked back to the sunset. As long as they are worth it.

                           Present Time
        I entered the park as two runners pass me as I stopped to look at the small children playing. I will not let anything bad happen to anyone. I kept running until I came to the creek with a small bridge going across it I took deep breaths as I crossed the bridge. "Julieta," I hear Alec's cruel voice behind me, I stopped freezing in my place. Anyone is worth it Julieta I heard my father's voice say to me. I closed my eyes "till it be morrow," I whispered turning around to face the demon himself.

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