Chapter 11

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        I woke up an hour early due to a nightmare I had of Alec... well more like a memory it was him rapping me then carving that A into my neck. I touched my neck tracing the A as I felt sick again. I have 13 days left. I get up getting dressed in a pair of mid thigh black shorts with a plain blue shirt. I brush my hair and brush my teeth then flops my teeth and finally use my face wipes to clean up my face. I go back into my room grabbing my earbuds to listen to music while I go get breakfast. I wasn't hungry I still felt sick from my encounter with Alec yesterday.
        Before leaving my room I slip a beanie over my head then head out my room after kissing Mr. Benny bye. I sneakily sneak past all the boys.. well almost all the boys. "Where are you going," I hear Peyton's voice say quietly and right against my ear as well that I can feel him breathing on me. "T-to go get breakfast," I said with a light blush damn that stutter "I'll go with you," said Peyton. He then grabbed his shoes, wallet, and keys so he is the prick that almost ran me the fuck over. Twice!
         Peyton and I both sneak out the apartment we are completely silent as we go down the hall, get into the elevator, exit the apartment building, and get into his car. "Where to," Peyton asked me "I have no idea this is only my third day in the city," I said with a shrug of my shoulders. Peyton nods his head as he starts driving probably to somewhere he knows that we can get breakfast at. The car ride is silent which is nice and all, but silence leaves me with my thoughts. I was trying to figure out who I could pair Lane with and find a way for him to open up to me. Then it wondered to how I could find a way to get rid of Alec without putting anyone endanger.
        "What's on your mind," Peyton asked me, oh just thinking about killing my ex boyfriend I thought to myself. "Just thinking how life could have been," I lied but I have thought about that before "what do you mean," Peyton asked me. Maybe if I tell him about my past he will open up to me a little. I do want to be his friend before I leave. "My dad was killed when I was six," I told him "I'm sorry," Peyton says after a few seconds of silence. "Don't apologize you aren't the one that killed him," I said "ok," Peyton said then stayed quiet for a few more seconds then asked. "Is your mother dead," he asked me "no she is in jail for killing my dad," I said calmly as if it was a normal thing to say.
        I know Peyton once to apologize but he knows I will just say what I said before "were you and your dad close," Peyton asked me. "Yeah very. I was his little Juliet. He use to tell me how he'd help me find my Romeo one day," I smiled at the memory I giggle slightly "he also use to tell me that I wasn't allowed to kill myself for love. And made me swear to never do so," I said Peyton chuckled. We were then silent again but this one was more care free with little to no tension. "I am sorry for being so pushy about the scar," Peyton apologized "it's fine that's usually what everyone wants to know," I told him honestly.
        We arrived at a cute little Donut shop we both get out "my mom probably wouldn't have been that way though. If t wasn't for the drugs and alcohol," I told Peyton with a frown. "She hated me and blamed me for everything wrong in her life. Even now she still does," I admitted it was hard to talk about them, but I force a smile on my face "what about you," I asked Peyton. He seemed to tense up at my question "sorry that was rude of me," I said as we moved up in the line. "No it's ok. My mom left when I was little and my dad, he does the same stuff your mom did," he told me, I gave him a sad smile but gave him apologetic eyes.
        "Next," we hear and move up Peyton quickly ordered everything including a few extra stuff. He paid despite me telling him I could but he insisted which apparently he doesn't like making girls pay. He says it's rude. We get back to the apartment to see everyone still sleeping I decided to do what us girls did to wake up late sleepers. I told Peyton to be quiet and not say a word he just nodded his head. I got up on a chair and started screaming "eww mouse!" real loud the guys all quickly jumped up. Will onto the counter, Derek onto the table, Joey stood up real quick looking around, and Cyrus jumped up standing in front of me protectively as he looked around frantically.
        I laughed so hard they all looked to me with glares "we got donuts," I say still laughing at the mention of food they all go running for it. I shake my head as I jump down from the chair I was on shaking my head. I felt my phone vibrate and pulled it out to see who it was. But I lost all color as I felt sick again.

Unknown: See you in 13 days Baby. Be ready for a good time ;)

        Will noticed my change "you good," he asks they all look to me as I place a smile on my face. "Yeah just these amber alerts make me sad," I lied feeling horrible for lying to them, they nodded their heads going back to eating. "We have school in thirty minutes so hurry up," I tell to them "shit," I hear Cyrus curse as Lane groans. I smirked Miss. Ganzlie came out Joey's room "I don't have anywhere to go today," she told me. "Alright," I said nodding my head I enter my room closing the door I pull my phone out rereading Alec's message. He really has lost it this time.
How do you think Julieta will escape Alec?

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